Parents of the Year

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Here's a quick little snippet where the Ericson Kids watch the whole James and Clem 'fight'😆
Bolded Italicized-Game dialogue
Normal-Character commentary

"You brought this on yourself!"

Louis: Ooooooo, here it comes!

*James flips Clem*

Violet: Ouch, that must have hurt

Ruby: Well, I'll be damned. James is stronger than he looks

James: T-t-thanks...I guess? *Leans over to Clem* Sorry about that by the way

Clem: Eh, don't worry about it. *Smirks mischievously* I'll get you back later

James: *Gulps*

*Clem gets up and tries to tackle James, only to be elbow jabbed*

Mitch: BIG oof!

*Clem punches Mitch off his seat*

"Follow us and I sprain your ankle. Follow us after that, I break your leg"

*Everybody stares at James*

James: *Looks away in defeat* I know

"I'll kill you before I leave her!"

Mitch: Damn, AJ's got some serious balls. *Ruffles AJ's hair* Good job little man!

*AJ beams happily while Clem rubs James's hand*

*James paces back and forth while Clem is reasoning with AJ*

Aasim: Man, James sure as that 'Furious dad' walk down

Brody: Reminds me of my old man. Oh, that's a good thing, James. Don't worry!

Clem: Was your old man always mad?

Brody: Ummm, not exactly. Ya know how dads get sometimes

*Everyone exchanges looks and shrug*

*AJ jabs James*

Everyone except AJ, Clem and James: Ooooooooouuuuuucccchhhhh!

*Marlon shifts uncomfortably in his seat*

"You're not listening..." *Pushes Clem back*

Louis: Remind me not to get on James's bad side. The dude's a fucking beast!

James: *Blushes* S-sorry...

Marlon: *Laughs and slaps James's back* Dude, it's a compliment. Quit getting flustered!

*AJ throws a rock at James*

Everyone except AJ, Clem and James: DAMMMMMMMMMMN!

James: My head still hurts from that

*James and Clem stand inches apart from one another with heated glares*

Violet starts and then the others join in: Kiss him. Kiss him. Kiss him!

*James and Clem exchange a look and turn awkwardly away from each other*

AJ: I betcha they would kiss if this was that one story

Tenn: AJ! We aren't suppose to break the 4th Wall!

AJ: Oops...

*James clenches his fists and lets out a frustrated yell before slowly relaxing his posture* "I...Maybe..."

Violet: Ya know something? I'm not into guys but James was pretty hot when he was angry *Winks at Clem*

*Clem makes a mental note to strangle Violet later*

*James stands in front of Tenn, Clem and AJ with his knifes out* "Go. I'll make sure you won't be followed"

Louis: *Claps* Someone give this guy a 'Father of the fucking year award"!

*James walks towards the walkers and pulls his knife back as the scene fades to black*

Everyone: What a great scene! You two would make such a great couple!

*Clem and James laugh nervously, smiling at one another*

*AJ jumps up from his chair and runs into the other room*

Clem: Umm, Goofball? Whatcha doing?

*AJ returns and walks over to Clem and James*

AJ: *Holds out a make-shift trophy, saying 'World's best parents!'* Everyone helped me make this for you two!

*Clem and James exchange looks, thanking everyone. They take the trophy from AJ before hugging him*

Clem: *Tearfully* Thanks goofball

James: *Holds Clem and AJ close* We love you, AJ

AJ: *Smiles widely as everyone watches the make-shift family's embrace with glee* I love you guys too

Annnnnnddd, scene! It's almost unbelievable that the season has come to an end. I have yet to fully play episode 4 since I've been getting home at 2:30AM due to work😭 This snippet came to my mind when I felt that the scene was just Clem and James fighting over how to raise 'their' child😂 Anyways, the next official chapter of 'All I need' will be released sometime next week. See you all later!

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