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Chapter Nineteen

===Aurora's PoV===

Today was a Sunday and Hogwarts was still covered with snow. I didn't think much about the news I got told yesterday.
I was just confused now.

I threw on black jeans, a white t-shirt and an oversized white hoodie. I put on my brown winter boots and out on my black coat, a white scarf, gloves and a bobble hat.

I went into The Great Hall to get some toast, I saw the guilty stare that Harry gave me.
I could tell that he felt bad about the fight we had yesterday. I sighed and ignored him.

Luna came up to me wearing her navy blue coat that had squiggles of pink and purple on the sleeves and her white bobble hat and Ravenclaw scarf and gloves.

"Good morning Aurora," Luna smiles, I smile back.

"Good morning Luna," I say. "Shall we go outside?"

Luna nods, we link arms and skip out the hall.

===Harry's PoV===

I watch with a guilty expression as a saw Aurora and a girl from Ravenclaw skip out the hall.

"I feel really bad about shouting at Aurora yesterday, she didn't deserve it," I said.

"Mate, if you're that sorry, then why don't you go and say sorry," Ron suggested. Hermione nodded in agreement.

"She was distraught after you two stormed off," Hermione says. That made me feel worse. "Come on."

We went outside where we saw Aurora and the Ravenclaw girl sat on a bench that was by the lake.

I walked nervously over to where they were.

"Aurora?" I asked. She turned round then looked down as soon as she saw it was me. "I'm so sorry about yesterday. I kinda overreacted."

"Kinda?" Aurora asks.

"I don't suppose saying I'm sorry would quite cover it?" I say, looking to the ground.

"No, it wouldn't, but this might!" Before I could respond, I got nailed in the face by a snowball.

"Oh you're on!" I smile, she grins along with the other girl.

Hermione and Ron joins in with the snow ball fight, we then all fall into the snow whilst laughing.

===Aurora's PoV===

"You called Professor?" I said as I walked into Lupin's office.

"Yes, just to say thank you for the 'make your own chocolate' set," Lupin said chuckling.

"I saw it during one of the Hogsmeade trips and thought of you," I grin. "Anyway, I don't think that's the reason why I'm here."

"Ah, yes," Lupin says. "I've decided to teach your the Patronus charm, as it's an important spell. It keeps away the Dementors."

"Okay," I nod and take out my wand.

"To cast the spell you must say 'Expecto Patronum' and think of the happiest memory," Lupin says.

I searched my memory and thought of the times with my friends.
That time when I was around seven and Cedric and I would play hide and seek round his house.
That time when I'd go round Luna's house at Christmas time to search for Nargels with her.
That time Arcturus and I got in trouble for breaking a vase at my house.
That moment I shared with my friends an hour ago, that snow ball fight.

"Expecto Patronum!" I shout.

A beautiful Phoenix flew out my wand and danced round the room.

"By Jove," Lupin said in surprise. "That's brilliant! Absolutely marvellous! Specially for the first time!"


I was now with Hagrid, skimming rocks in the Black Lake.
We both had sad expressions on our faces.

"Hey Aurora! Hagrid!" We turned round to see Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Hagrid, how'd the trial go?" Hermione asked.

"Well, I spoke about 'ow Buckbeak was only doin' it for defence, but good old Lucius Malfoy turns up, and... and... Buckbeaks been sentenced to death!"

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