She's bat shit crazy

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She's crazy
She's batshit crazy, man.
I swear they don't make women like her anymore.
She carries lightning in her veins, her soles leave glitter behind.
Is she an extraterrestrial being sent from a past life? Because her soul is old yet youthful.
Her physique consists of every black women's overly-fetishized parts

Her eyes are brown. Not the calm kind. Her's latch onto your soul. They pull you in like the ocean would consume a fisherman's boat.
You'll get lost.
I told you she's crazy.
Medusa's daughter. Except her eyes pulled you in and Medusa's turned past lovers into stone.
What is it about brown eyed beasts and they're never ending need to break hearts?
To be frank, I've never had a friend who's had their heart broken by a blue or emerald eyed girl.
It's always the chocolate swirls.

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