Chapter 12

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"Hey, Jaemhye. Wake up, it's late.." Hoshi woke her up. She was covering her whole body with her blanket and sniffing for hours. After talking to the goddess, she went home and kept the sushi. After that, she just felt weak and tired.

"Five more minutes, Hosh. . ." She almost whispered covering her body with the thick comforter. Hoshi's eyebrows furrowed seeing her posture. Is she okay?

"Are you feeling well?" Hoshi asks while holding her forehead. "You're burning. . ." He said and panicked. I don't know how to take care of a human who's sick! He said in his mind.

"Hosh, calm down. I just feel tired, and it's normal to be sick." She said.

"Uhm. . ." Hoshi wore his thick jacket, "Wait for me. I'll buy you a medicine." He said. Hoshi immediately opened the door and he ran towards the store.

He bought a medicine that was advised by the pharmacist since he doesn't know about things like that. He checked the plastic bag and entered the house again and he saw Jaemhye who was coughing and sniffing in the kitchen.

"Hey! What are you doing? You're supposed to be on the bed." Hoshi scolded her and she shook her head. "Go back to your room. Are you hungry?"

"Kinda?" Jaemhye let out a sigh but she coughed. "Can you cook a hot soup for me?" She asked while Hoshi was bringing out the medicines, still panicking. "And calm down, Hosh. You look like you're being chased by a dog."

"How can I calm down? This is the first time this happened to you!"

"Hoshi, for all the years I've lived, I usually get sick just like what's happening now. Alright?" She chuckled and went near him. She took the thermometer infront of him and she checked her own temperature.


"Wait—Did that thing just made a noise?" Hoshi pointed out the thermometer.

"It's a thermometer, Hosh." Jaemhye said. "Are you done with that? Do you want me to help you?"

Hoshi shook his head and covered the casserole. "I'll take you upstairs. And just take a rest."

"But you still have to attend school. You're wearing your uniform now—"

"Shhh," He hushed and opened the door for her. "It doesn't matter. You need to take a rest. I'll wake you up when the soup's ready so you can drink your medicines."

"Sure, dad." Jaemhye rolled her eyes and lied down her bed and closed her eyes. Even though she's feeling so sick, she was still thankful she had Hoshi with her. What will she do if she's alone? Eunra would be busy with something else and Wonwoo doesn't have time for her.

She sighed and covered herself again.


Hoshi entered the room carefully while holding a tray with a soup and a water on it. He silently placed it on her table and took a wet towel for her.

The water was warm and he folded the towel. He made sure he won't wake Jaemhye up since she look really sick. Her lips were a bit pale and you can see how deep her sleep is.

Hoshi stood and covered the bowl of soup and sat on the couch to rest. He sighed and stared at her.

It was Hoshi's favorite part, when he stares at her. Whenever he looks at Jaemhye, his eyes would automatically lock on her and look as if she's the most beautiful person he met.

Hoshi will never deny how beautiful she is. But it's not her appearance, it was her heart. He remembered how she let him sleep on her bed on the first time they met even though he was suspicious.

No stranger would do that. Except for her.

And her smiles were pretty too. When her lips turn into a curve, her eyes would spark and tells how happy she was. But Hoshi couldn't stop thinking if she's feeling better.

She had to skip classes and sleep so she can regain her energy. And Hoshi skipped too since no one will take care of her.

Jaemhye slowly opened her eyes and looked for Hoshi. Her eyes caught his so Hoshi stood, "You just fell asleep. Do you want to eat?"

She nods, "Yes please." Jaemhye sat on her bed and Hoshi gave her the soup.

"Don't worry, it's still warm." He said while giving her the spoon. Jaemhye slowly blew the soup.

"I can't taste it, Hosh." She pouted and sighed.

"Does is taste bad? Do I need to put more salt?"

Jaemhye shook her head. "No. I just can't taste anything. Maybe it's because I'm sick." She said. "By the way, thanks Hosh. You should eat too."

"I'm fine. I drank coffee." He said. "Do 't forget to drink your meds. You still have classes tomorrow. And don't push yourself if you really can't do it, I'll be sleeping on the couch today.."

"You should wear a mask. You'll get sick too."

"I'm not a human, Jaemhye. . ." He reminded her for the nth time and Jaemhye just chuckled.

"Whatever. You pass out quicker than me." She said and rolled her eyes on him.

"That's because of my power." Hoshi scoffed. "Eat well. I'll take a shower downstairs."

"Alright. . ."


[A/N] sorry for not updating for 6 days and i'll make sure i'll update tomorrow even though it's our exams

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