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Chapter status; unedited



For the next update 4 votes or more :)




People did still talk about him which is why he covered his ears whilst walking to the car and home earlier on that day.

Ashton Irwin's mind; the one who lost his way

The skies had now changed; the thunder was rumbling about causing Ashton to clutch onto his bed covers with fright; he had come home a couple of hours earlier but wasn't allowed outside until he was used to the house. He had been in the Asylum for nearly a year it was hell; it made him worse but of course he lied just so he could get out, it was driving him crazy.

He lay there staring up at the ceiling his earphones in both ears; after a while his eyes began to get heavy and he drifted off to sleep.




''Ashton!'' He was being shaken at whatever time it happened to be; the bright light of the sun was streaming through the window almost blinding him as his eyes opened. His younger sister Lauren was shaking him and yelling down his ear at an extreme volume, groaning he turned over and stared into her twin hazel eyes as the bright eyed girl began talking to him at an incredibly fast speed he was just only able to catch the words.

''Ash: you are going to see your new school today. Mummy wants you up now'' then she left; planting a soft kiss upon his head and hugging onto him tightly causing tears to fall down his face once she had gone. Feeling ridiculous he wiped away the tears and forced himself up to change. He felt disgusted with himself as his beautiful reflection stared back at him; he was ready just as his mum came up the stairs angrily to notify to him that they were late when she found him in a ball on the floor crying.

Rushing over she held him in her arms cuddling him tightly allowing him to let it out; she softly stroked his hair whispering sweets things in his ears. Once he stopped crying; he untangled himself from her staring into her beautiful blue eyes, letting her wipe away the tears kissing his forehead and smiling. She was the first to stand up on the dingy small landing they had been curled upon; smiling softly he hesitated before taking hold of her hand firmly and they walked out the house together.




The building they stood in front of was not a local one but it was the other side of the town. His body was shaking vigorously his mum was right beside him but as he looked around at the students who were scattered around the place he felt ever so alone. His body was stood firm on the ground looking around at all the happy people; he saw straight couples making out and it instantly make him feel sick.

He hated himself. He hated everything about him. But one thing which brought him down which was that he should not be interested in boys.

His last partner to ever love him was his ex girlfriend; but once she found about him, she lost it. There was the night when he told her she began to hit him; very violently which scared him and he hates being touched by anyone except his mother.

No more beautiful smiles appeared upon his face only cold ugly tears fall and damage his fractured heart. As he walked into the haunted building he stuck close by his mother; staring around at the empty halls staying behind as his mother raced on, not thinking of where he was he happened to walk into someone extremely tall who was stunningly beautiful; his beautiful blue eyes were wide he was biting down on the black lip ring staring completely hypnotized by Ashton himself.

He took his eyes off the sight stood in front of him and towards his unhappy mother stood at the entrance of the door calling his name. Ashton looked back at the blonde boy who was still looking at Ashton as if he was the most beautiful boy the world had ever seen but of course Ashton saw none of that, he took one look at the boy before walking towards his mother.

''Ashton.'' His thick accent filled and bounced around the long depressing empty halls causing both Ashton and his mother to at the boy in confusment but the boy only had his eyes locked with the beautiful hazel eyes. A smile slapped the blonde boy across the face as he admired the boy in front of him; for the first time in ages as Ashton stared deeper into those crystal blue he felt tears sting his eyes and he actually felt himself smile at this beautiful stranger.

His mother was gone but her mind drifted on her son and that beautiful stranger outside; Ashton stood frozen still in amazement as this stranger knew his name; he had never fallen in love at first sight. Not many people believe that it exists but as they stood there no physical contact was needed just eye contact and silence, annoyingly the bell rang causing both boys to have to depart. But before he left Ashton in the those ugly halls he stepped forward lightly kissing the soft damaged cheek of the broken boy and that was that.

''Run Ash.'' The boy smiled a cheeky smile; squeezing Ashton's hand before running down the corridor just as they became full and that was the last of the beautiful boy.

Not quite sure of what the boy meant but love at first sight is definitely real just because other people don't believe in it doesn't mean it isn't real. He kept staring at those double door which the boy ran out of as the corridors began to fill; that thick accent echoing deeply through his mind listening to it over and over again he finally took his advice. Taking off and racing down the corridor tears streaming down his face ignoring his mother's scream which almost deafened him; he just ran with only that beautiful blonde boy in his sight.

Memories seeped inside his brain as he stood on the bridge he stood on almost over a year ago when his suicide was failed; the air flushed his face making the tears sting even more as they kept dripping down onto his clothes. His chest became tight; his breathing became more hitched as he felt his foot begin to slip; thinking over for a second before...






Was it okay?

I wasn't as strong writing this :(

Ilysm <3

For a next update iam waiting for 4 votes each chapter :)

Sorry its a cliffhanger <3

I listen to the band Daughter when I update this fanfic :)


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