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A/n; Jude is above for the mobile and the side for web.
‘’So much for my happy ending’’

Ashton woke up alone in the cold closed white room, he started to cry but silently into the white bed covers with Luke’s voice echoing in his brain.

Just when he rolled over to fall back asleep the barred door banged open to be stood there was the nurse in all white.

Her face wasn’t pretty she had a hairy mole at the corner of her face, she was carrying a silver tray with a bottle of pills and bottle of liquid with a stern expression upon her face.

At first Ashton didn’t move but as she edged closer he quickly dodged out the way making her move so that he was standing straight in front of her staring down at the silver tray.

Being force fed the medicine he was in a plain white gown, he was alone in his room apart from her, she placed the tray down on the cabinet beside him before pushing him down onto the bed.

He couldn’t back down her weight was full force onto his body, she lifted up his gown feeling around his flat boxers, his eyes were already tightly shut with tears falling quicker than before.

As she began feeling across his dick quicker and quicker he didn’t find pleasure in the moment at all, he wasn’t even hard she just kept moving hoping he would cum soon but he never did and in his head he kept praying as she kept trying to make him cum that someone would rescue him from this hell.

Just when he thought he would have to stay here the metal doors awoke his thoughts and they swung open to find two police officers and the asylum’s wardan.

She stood there staring at them before glancing at Ashton who was staring down at his feet tears falling still, his mind flashed Luke’s image, he wasn’t aware of the moments around him he kept his mind on Luke.




-Days later-

Ashton was sat in front the warden of his new ayslum, he was staring at his feet which were swinging off the ground not really paying attention to anything the warden was saying until they both stood up and he handcuffed Ashton’s hands at the back and they walked down the corridors at a slow pase.

Ashton began crying as he reached his cell noticing there was someone lay there facing the wall, the sunlight streamed through the windows bouncing off the walls and lighting up the pale white sheets on the right side.

‘’Forever is a long time. But I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side’’

After being introduced to everyone Ashton stayed in his cell, lying there under the cold white sheets just staring up into the silence until the figure beside him moved and began to speak.

‘’Hello. The name is Jude.’’ Her voice was quiet and shaky but Ashton turned over staring into those beautiful green eyes and he just burst into tears. He missed those beautiful ice blue eyes, his touch and voice in his ears.

Ashton slid on the floor tears escaping his eyes so fast and loud sobs filled up the silence in the room. Jude got down from her bed, sitting down beside Ashton wrapping her arms around his cold body and pulling him close so that he was able to cry into her chest.

She sat there listening to him describe Luke, she had never felt this close to anyone in a long while, it felt nice to the warmth and support of another person even if they were both beautiful broken.

She held him until she felt his body go heavy sleep did overtake him,her thoughts raced her mind about him. She figured he was gay when all he spoke of was Luke, she didn’t know his story but she didn’t need too because all through that night the pair had a bond which was stronger than either of them had ever experienced.

As the weeks passed they began to become stronger as a pair but they still had their dark night wheres all they needed was someone to spill it out too.

Ashton still cried every night about Luke, he found out that Jude was also gay and loved a girl.

The police force spoke to him every now and then but Luke hardly came to visit, he would get his letters and sometimes he would be able to reply back but Luke himself would never arrive.

Ashton stopped eating because the pain of missing Luke had beginning to make him feel physically sick, Ashton had been in the new Asylum for nearly a month now and the images of his life flashed before his eyes both night and day.


‘’Ash’’ It was Jude who woke Ashton up this morning, as his eyes stared into her familiar green eyes he knew something about this day would be different. He looked down at her body and noticed the brown envelope upon her hand, he gulped his whole body filled up with fear as he took the envelope from her hand and began opening it. He was now sat up his back resting up against the cold, hard plain white walls which surrounded the pair, Jude took her place at the edge of the bed watching Ashton carefully as he began slowly reading through the letter, she could tell he was trying not to cry as his whole body was shaking faster than before.

‘’Ash. Ashton come on. Talk to me about it. ‘’Her voice was soft but shaky he took his focus away from the letter and into her eyes, his eyes were beautiful glassed over with tears. He handed the letter to her;curling himself up resting his chest on his legs as she read the letter once more out loud.

It was from Luke. He was going to be arriving within the next few days.

Ashton was over the moon and everyone could see it, he began eating but his shaking was increasing and no one could stop it.

‘Finally what seemed forever you came to see me. The flowers were still growing outta your lungs, the smell of smoke still stayed on your body. It felt like heaven had been brought to me. ‘
Heyy beautiful’s its been ages since I last updated but here it is.
I had personal issues mainly depression and self harm.
This is the third last chapter of the book i’m sorry :(
There isn’t gonna be an epilogue maybe a sequel comment below.
The last chapter is gonna be sad.
Is AShton in love with Luke??

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