Donah- Bullys

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This one is going to be you a nerd and Donah your bullies, what happens when you have alone time with Jonah and you have a surprise guest? Keep reading and find out!

You were one of the best softball players at your school, so good that the coaches from the girls team thought it'd be best if you joined the Men's team, but the problem was you knew your bully was going to criticize you. Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich, Captain of the Baseball team and the biggest asshole in the whole school. He loves to manipulate people like your ex best friend Daniel Seavey, you and him were literally friends since birth but Jonah wanted to take away all things that make you happy and made Daniel turn his back on you.

Being the only girl on the team had its perks but for the most part you just had all the boys teasing you and pushing you around all of the time. Always cat calling you and just over all being complete dicks to you.
"Hey y/n how bout you take off those glasses and actually try to hit the ball right."
"Jonah do you realize she's on the team because she is the best hit and arm?" Corbyn Besson said to reason with him.
"Yeah but not everyone gets every hit and it can cost us a game so she better watch it." Jonah said glaring at you and you coward down like always looking to Corbyn and looked at you with sympathy.
Corbyn Besson is a friend of yours and is in Math club with you so you two usually y'all when no one is around because you and Corbyn fear that Jonah might do something to either one of you.
Anyways you hit some good curve balls and didn't miss a single one so it was your turn to pitch for a while since the coach usually switched you out depending who you all were playing. You went to look to who was hitting and of course it was Jonah so you decided to throw a tricky one at him and to your surprise and his he didn't hit it you smiled and Jonah looked stunned. Everyone was surprised by the pitch and the coach watched the whole thing.
"Hey y/n do that but change it up a little see if you can confuse Marais."
"You got it coach."
You prepared to throw another and decided to do the same thing but throw it when he was least expecting it. You threw it... and he didn't hit it again you were all surprised at the new pitch and the coach was writing the pitch down with your form, grip, and style of the pitch. Jonah was fuming getting frustrated that he couldn't hit it. The next pitch you decided to do a normal one to catch Jonah off guard and you did he didn't hit it again and struck out. All the other guys were cheering and the coach was loosing his mind.

After a long practice you changed got your regular uniform on a simple black button up with a maroon and gold tie with a black skirt and knee high socks. You grabbed your gear and ran to the basket ball game with Corbyn following behind as you two got the keys to your Math teachers room and grabbed the baked goods so you could sell them in front of the school so you could raise money for a field trip, but Corbyn had to go get his sister from her friends house so he left early so you stayed there to hold the bake sale down.

After about an hour or so you started getting bored but just then Jonah and Daniel Walked by. Jonah was talking to Daniel when he looked over and seen you there sitting all alone.
"So the nerd can bake... how cute" he said as he grabbed a brownie and took a bite and threw it back and pushed the tray of them onto the ground.
"Dude you have to pay for that" you said with short patience.
"What are you going to make me do work for it? How pathetic" he said as he laughed and nudged Daniel who was avoiding all eye contact.
"You know you really should after you not hitting that ball those three times oh and let's not forget I record all of my practices for colleges..." you said with a smirk knowing Jonah wouldn't want that footage getting anywhere because it would ruin his reputation.
"Y/n I swear if I see that vid-" you put your hand in his face and stopped him.
"Don't worry it's just you will need to pay me back for that brownie... and all of the suffering you put me through. Unless you want me to release that video then I'd probably follow me to my apartment  after my bake sale is over and you can bring him too" You said while pointing to Daniel. Both of their faces dropped but all you did was think of the things you could get them to do.

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