What we use to be

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What we use to be, we use to be father and daughter, we use to laugh, play games and have tickle fights. But instead of having fun, you wanted to make me feel alone in the darkness. what did I do to deserve this?, all I wanted you to do is be a father but you can't even do that. Except pick up a bottle of alcohol and drink until you pass out. You never believed in me or trusted me you always thought I was a disappointment and you kept telling me I was going to be living in the dark Empty streets if I kept lying, I believed it was true but my mother said, I was a beautiful and smart girl and she will never let me live that life. Every night I was at my father's house I would cry myself to sleep over my father not being there for me and how I missed my mother and I hoped she would come to save me from my own hell. As the days go on from being blamed for everything and Sent to my room I still managed to put on a smile, so no one would know what is happening at home. If I got in trouble (which was always) I wouldn't be allowed to go off school campus but some times, if I had money which, was really rare I would normally go to the macs I'd ask one of my friends if they don't mind going over there to get me something to eat. I would not get much food in my lunch and it was all healthy and I wanted something sweet and savoury. One time I had joined the drama club and I got in trouble, for trying to take a pack of gummies and that didn't go as planned so I only had a cheese sandwich for the whole day I was starving and if I ate something at the school I would be in big trouble plus my little sister was there so she would watch my every move. One thing I hate is my dad trusted my little sister over me because she "never" lied but I don't think that was true.  she is just daddy good little girl who will do anything to let it stay like that forever. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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