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One-Shot AU where Clementine visits Louis house for the first time, and he opens up about his past.

"This is your house!" Clementine stared as she stood in the middle of the driveway of Louis's house.
"Yeah, this is where I lay my beautifully dreaded head at night, come on I promise there's more than just the front." Louis takes Clementine by the hand and leads her through the front door.
"Whoa, okay Louis you never told me you were rich." Clementine looked around the luxurious home.
"Clem, I'm rich." Louis teased as he watched her in awe.
"I knew I wasn't just dating you for your looks." She teased back.
"Yeah of course you weren't, it was also my wildly charming sense of humor and  my smarts of course." Louis showed his toothy grin.
"Right, that." Clementine eyed him. "where are your parents are they home?"
"Nah. There never here, always out traveling so it's basically me... here... most of the time... by myself." He fought the feelings of loneliness that crept up when he was at this house.
"Is that why you always want to come to my place?" Clementine looked concerned.
"Your home actually has a real family with Lee and Aj, this is just a house with a lot of shit." Louis lead Clem up the stairs.
"Well anytime you feel lonely I can come here or you can come to my house- with my dads permission of course. Don't worry I won't tell him your parents are never home." Clementine smirked.
" I like the sound of that." Louis lead Clementine into his room, and it looked exactly how you'd imagine. He had a king size bed with lots of pillows and satin sheets. His walls were filled with musical icons from Billy Holiday to Michael Jackson. He had the latest everything, but what stood out most to Clementine was the picture of him and Marlon as little boys sitting by his desk, and the picture of her and Louis on their first date in the photo booth where they shared their first kiss. He even had a picture with Aj at one of her Softball games.
"When did you take this, with Aj?" Clementine approaches Louis with the framed picture.
"We were at you softball game, and Aj told me I was his 3rd best friend. Behind you and Tenn of course." He held the picture recapturing the memory.
Clementine continued to look around when she saw a candid photo of herself that she'd never seen. She was driving in the photo looking as if maybe she was singing.
"Louis, when was this?" She smiled at the photo he secretly had of her.
"Oh you know one of the moments when you were just being purely you. Not worried or caring about anything the world threw at you, just living." Louis gazed into her eyes. "Actually this picture inspired a song I wrote about you."
"Lou you did not right a song about me?" Clem started blushing.
"I did actually, I call it Clementine the fruit." He smiled in his Louisy way. Louis went into his closet and pulled out a keyboard he had. She sat on his bed and watched as he set up and played the tune. Clem closed her eyes and thought of the moments her and Louis shared, from him spilling his lunch on her, and him awkwardly trying to clean it up to their first kiss in a photo booth and them saying 'I love you' for the first time in Clem's car.
"Louis." She said barely over a whisper.
"Yes?" He stopped playing to look at her. "What you don't like it?" He got very nervous.
"No I love it more than you could ever know, and I love you more." She sat up so she could see him better.
"Oh okay, then why'd you ask me to stop?" He questioned her.
"I didn't ask you to stop, but I was wondering why your piano was hidden in the closet." She watched as he shifted uncomfortably in the small bench.
"Because my parents don't want me making music or to have anything to do with music." He played with the keys.
"That's ridiculous, music is like your life." Clem said grimly.
"Yeah well dads motto is, you get to rich or you get to be happy." He repeated in his fathers voice.
"That's stupid, you should only do what make you happy." Clem couldn't understand.
"Yeah well try telling my father that. Look Clem I was over it, I am over it." Louis got up and started putting his keyboard back.
"No Louis, this isn't fair!" She followed him.
"No Clementine what isn't fair is I broke up my parents marriage up because I wanted to get back at my dad for that stupid saying!" Louis was on the verge of tears.
"What?" Clementine took his hand in hers.
"Remember I told you I had to leave my family for awhile, well it was because I broke my parents marriage up because I wanted to get back at my dad. They sent me away and eventually fixed things but not with me, okay Clem. I came home but what I did is like an elephant in the room that follows me every time I'm with them. I regret it so much, even much more now because I couldn't imagine if someone, my kid ran you out my life because of something stupid I said." Louis swallowed his tears as Clementine dropped to his sitting level.
"I'm sorry Louis, I didn't know." She held his hands in hers.
"How could you. Look Clem, I just can't bring up music around them not when it was the very reason I broke their marriage up. I can play by myself or with you, even at school, but not in front of them." He started to squeeze back.
"But Louis, music is apart of who you are. That happened a long time ago and maybe it's time you used your gifts to possibly change things." Clementine sparked an idea.
"What do you mean?" Louis looked genuinely confused.
"What if you write them a song. That way they will see how gifted you are and also how sorry you are. It could work, but only if you want to do it." She didn't push him.
"I actually like that idea, will you help me?" He smiled at Clementine.
"Well I am the musical expert-" Clem was met with Louis tickling her." Stop! Stop! I give! I give!" Her laugh made his world go round. She stared at him with her amber eyes and he couldn't help himself but to go in for a kiss. He slowly moves in as he brushes a stray curl away. He lays a kiss on her lips trying to savor the moment. Her hands naturally go into his dreadlocks as she pulls him into her. They kiss for a long time before Louis breaks away to kiss her neck slowly and precisely. 
"Wait Louis, we have to write the song." She smiled as she worked to stay focus. She slowly pulled him apart from her as he put up a small fight. " Come on, there will be more time for kissing when we finish." Clementine got up and grabbed a chair to sit next to him at his keyboard.
"Always the responsible one." Louis followed in her lead.
"One of us has to be." She smiled as she watched him work.
The two of them worked diligently, for the most part but not without tons of kissing and snacks. When they finally finished, the song was a song that could melt anyone's heart.
"Uh thank you Clem for everything." He said shyly.
"Of course Louis." She smiled. He played the melody again as Clementine watched his fingers dance through the keys. "If your parents don't like that, they're heartless." She stated.
"Well now that we are done, I guess we can go back to what we were doing a couple hours ago.
"Just for a little while, then I have to go, so I can keep seeing you after today." She exclaimed indicating Lee and his reasonable strictness.
"Fine you're right, come on I'll take you home." Louis got up to leave.
"Wait... I said we have little while." She smirked with a teasing look in her eye.
Louis chuckled and took her face in his hands.
"I love you Clem." He beamed.
"I love you too." She smiled as he brought her in for yet another kiss.

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