Aj Says part 1

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A High School AU Clementine is suppose to be babysitting her little brother Aj while her father Lee is out on a date but when her boyfriend Louis stops for a surprise visit she must keep him hidden from her brother.

"Okay, how do I look sweet pea?" Lee said as he fixed his button up shirt.
"Wow dad, you clean up nice!" Clementine said as she finished the dishes.
"What's that smell?" Aj walked into the kitchen with a weird look on his face. "And why are you dressed up?" He climbs into the barstool to get a better look at his father.
"It's cologne and I'm going out tonight." Lee said as he kissed the top of Aj's head.
"Out where? Can I come?" Aj beamed at the opportunity to get dressed up and hang out with his dad.
"No son, not tonight, you'll be hanging out with your sister." Lee told Aj.
"Yup, because dad has a date." Clem interjected as she took a seat next to her brother.
"What's a date?" Aj questioned.
"It's when you take someone out somewhere nice and get to know each other." Lee answered his question.
"Oh. Sounds boring." He  claimed.
"Yeah well I can see why you would think that, but not if you're with the right person. Alright guys I got to get going but here is some money to order food and call me if you need anything." Lee packed his wallet and keys in his pocket.
"I got this dad, have fun, but not too much fun." Clem smiled.
"Alright I love you two." Lee said has he hugged and kissed each of them. "Goodnight. Oh and Clem, no one come over. Aj listen to your sister." He eyed each of them as he headed out.
"Alright goofball, what do you want to eat?" Clem started to pull out the take out menus.
"Pizza!" Aj started to do the dance he always did.
"Aj, we always eat pizza. Why can't we try somethings new." Aj got a disheartened look on his face." Fine pizza it is." Clem rolled her eyes and Aj cheered.

The pizza came and of course Aj just got cheese pizza while Clementine decided to get herself a meat lovers pizza. The two even splurged and got brownies and soda. The night grew later and they watched a movie as Aj fell asleep from all the food he ate. Clementine texted her boyfriend Louis while the movie played on, no one at home knew of Clem's boyfriend due to the fact that she wasn't actually suppose to have one yet. The two texted till Clementine slowly started drifting asleep. As her sleep started to deepen she hears a knock on the door. Scared, Clem grabs her softball bat and approaches the backyard door. As she opens the door and steps out she hears a noise and takes a swing. Louis quickly ducks as he is almost knocked out.
"Hey!" Louis said slightly shaken from her reaction.
"Louis what are you doing here?!" Clementine tried to whisper knowing Aj was just in the other room.
"You never responded to my message when I asked if you wanted to hang out tonight, and when Marlon was taking me home I told him to stop here so I could make sure you were okay. Are you okay?" Louis said concerned.
"Yes Louis, I'm fine. I'm watching Aj tonight while my dad is out, I just fell asleep." Clementine explained.
"Oh well I brought you emergency chocolate covered pretzels and sea salt and vinegar chips just in case, we might as well enjoy them." Louis chuckled.
"I'd love to Lou, but I can't have anyone over my dad will kill me." She replies hesitantly.
"Oh okay. Well I guess I'll just go, here's your snacks." Louis handed her the snacks sadly.
Clementine thought to herself, well Aj is asleep and if he only stays an hour he will be in and out before Lee knows.
"Fine. Come in, but be quiet Aj is a light sleeper." Clem moved to the side to let Louis in.
"Clem I don't want you to get in trouble especially since you haven't told your dad about me." Louis told her.
"If you only stay for an hour who will know but us." Clem took his hand in hers.
"Are you sure?" He asked sincerely.
"No, but fuck it." Clem pulled him inside.
The two tip-toed through the house as Black Panther played for the second time that night due to it being Aj's favorite. They crept up the stairs to Clem's room and she quietly closed the door.
"Clem!" Louis has a shocked look on his face.
"Your room is a mess!" He teased her.
"Oh shut up you." Clem pushes him onto her bed.

After arguing about what movie to watch for fifteen minutes the couple decided on Fast and Furious, and watched completely unaware of the time.
"Oh yeah I'm totally challenging Marlon to a street race." Louis said as they watched the street race happen.
"Yeah whatever Lou, not that I wouldn't bet all my money on you but Marlon would probably win, I could probably beat you. You drive like a grandma!" Clem laughed.
"I would never want to race you Clem, aren't you on car number two already." Louis shot back.
"Those weren't my fault." Clem thought about how she crashed both her previous cars.
"Well I guess we'd be loser together." Louis smirked as he rubbed Clem's hand.
"Loser together." Clem smiled.
"The most attractive funniest of losers." He kept adding. Clementine used to think of the time before her and Louis were together and how much she used to wish she could kiss him after he made her smile, now she could. Louis recognized that look in her eyes anytime it appeared. It was the look of utter love, she usually got that look right before she kisses him. Louis decided to take matters into his own hands this time and took her face in his hand as he slowly kissed her. As the kiss deepened the two fall back on the bed, but as soon as they did Clementines door busted open.
"Clem, what are you doing?" Aj said as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Clementine quickly jumped up and tried to block his view.
"Uh nothing-" She was quickly cut off.
"Is that a boy? Ooooh" Aj got a mischievous look on his face. "Clem you broke the rules you're not suppose to have anyone over here! And you were kissing!" Aj yelled.
"No we weren't kissing, I had something in my eye and Louis helped me." She lied to Aj.
"I saw you! You kissed a boy." Aj had a disgusted look on his face.
"Please don't tell dad! I'll do anything!" Clementine begged.
"Anything?" Aj smiled.
"Yes Aj! Please." She pleaded with Aj and he started to rub his hands together.
"Okay I won't tell, but you have to do whatever I say or I'm telling." He crosses his arms as he waited for his sister to accept the deal.
"Ugh. Deal." They shook hands and already Clem regretted making a deal with a 5 year old. She turned around and saw Louis walking to head out. She waved bye to him knowing this was not going to end well, and that he needed to leave before her dad got home.
"Okay so what do you want?" Clem asked him.

Part 2 coming soon!

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