The Beginning Of The End

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The mountain trail had been long and tiring, with twists and turns, nooks and crannies, dangerous animals and poisonous plants but they had finally made it to the top. Mt. Ebott. Rumoured to take people away to a whole new life and take their current one out of their hands. Looking down at the hole in front of them, they wondered if it was really worth it?

It had been a hard few years. None of which mattered anymore. All that mattered, was this single life-saving or life-ending decision they had to make. 

The smaller of the two stepped forward, kicking a rock into the hole and looked up at the other. 

"..... Love, is this really needed? Why did we come up all this way just to hesitate last second? If we're gonna do this, we should just do it. "

"I know, I just...... We'd never get to have the joy of having our own little terrors. Or get to say our vows, or send our child to prom.... Or anything."

"Hey, look at me," he put his hand up to his lover's face, " If we had, then they would just beat us down more, they would discriminate against our little terror just for who they are, they would be ridiculed by every snobby human, and no one would even accept us being engaged. I wish we could, trust me, but this world is just too dark. At least if we leave, we can leave together, ok?"

"........... Ok."

And with the final words, they took each other's hands, shared one last loving kiss, held onto each other tight and let themselves fall into the darkness.
















A soft groan from under the small skeleton had risen him from his slumber. So, naturally, he got up and looked around to see where the sound could have come from. Upon seeing it was his taller lover, he smiled sadly and kneeled in front of his face. 

"Honey Love, come on, we shouldn't stay here long."

While he didn't know how or why they were still alive, he wasn't going to spend long thinking about it. If life didn't let him die, then he would try to continue with what life had given him.

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