Into The Ruins

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"I pass through here every day to see if any humans have fallen."

"And might I say, I am rather surprised to see you two instead. "

"What are your names my children?"

Toriel looks at them with a soft look in her eyes and holds her hands in front of her to show that she is un armed.

The smaller of the skeletons steps forward, the tallest still gripping his hand tightly.

Taking a breath he looks up at her.

"M-my name is Break.... And t-this is my boyfriend Fell."

"Ah, what lovely names! You two are the first to fall in quiet a long time. Thought I must say, every time someone has fallen, they've been human."

"Come! I will guide you through the Catacombs!"

She holds out her hand for Break to take. He looks up at Fell with fear in his eyes, but Fell just smiles and nods his head. So Break takes her hand and let's her quide the two into the doorway.

*The curiosity in your partner's eyes and the yearn for adventure as you enter the RUINS fills you with ADMIRATION*



*New Save File Created*


The three of them had been going through the RUINS for hours. Solving puzzles, "learning" to fight, and calming each other down before they panicked. It had been pretty peaceful.

They met Napstablook along the way and him and Break became fast friends.

Break always the outgoing one.

But they were exhausted.

With all that energy they had used, the two could most certainly use a nap.

"T-toriel?" Break looked up at the monster looking over him.

"Yes my child?"

"W-we're a little tired, a-are we almost where w-we need to go?"

"Oh! I am terribly sorry! Yes, it's just a few more turn up. Then you two may rest."

Break nodded, and Fell pulled him closer so the smaller's head was resting on his middle and the taller's arm was around his shoulders. Break hummed softly, his voice sending vibrations into the taller's midsection and filling him with a warm feeling.

It was nice, and calm.

Nothing like they were used to.

"Here we are my children! My humble abode!"

Toriel smiled as she turned to a small and cozy little cottage house fit snuggly between the walls of the RUINS. The front lawn was well kept, and the tree in the front was dancing with different shades of warm oranges, ready to swallow them in their pools of colour.

It looked beautiful.

"Come come! You must be absolutely drained!"

Toriel motioned them into the house and they followed eagerly, the smell of something as sweet as a lie intriguing them more.

"I-is that.... Butterscotch Cinnamon Pie??"

Fell asked.

"Yes!! How did you know?"

"Heh, Break's older sister used to make it all the time before she..... She....."

"It is alright. You are not obligated to tell me. I am deeply sorry for your loss and extend to you my sympathies. For I have had my fair share of losing someone close to me as well. It is not easy to get over. But I promise you it will get better."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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