Chapter 1

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I hope this is a good story.

#Tord POV#
I get out of my parents car and stop at the doors. I can hear kids yelling from inside. I look out the window at all the teenagers going into the school, and turn back to my parents asking "Hvorfor kan vi ikke bli i Norge?" (Meaning 'Why can't we stay in Norway?') they look at each other and sigh.
I wait for their answer patiently. I liked Norway, well other than the kids that made fun of me.  My parents then turn to me to tell me that we can't go back for reasons they rather not tell me about at this time... I frown and roll my eyes getting out of the car, it's not fair how I don't even get to know what drove us out of our hometown. They wave see you later and they drive off leaving me on the sidewalk. I sigh and grab the school map from my coat pocket. I walk in and a few people bump into me. Some guy knocked me over and someone with their hood covering their face asks me "Hey you okay there?.." He was quiet. "Åh..uhh..ja-" I stand up dusting myself off a bit. The hooded male asks "Du må være den nye gutten" he said crossing his arms. My eyes widened slightly being surprised. Wait...did someone really just ask me if I was the new boy in norwegian? I then stutter a reply "u-uhm..j-Ja" I scratch the back of my head with a small chuckle. He doesn't seem amused by me, so I wonder why he's bothering to talk to me in the first place..Then out of nowhere two guys behind me started rough housing and accidentally bumped into me, knocking me into the blue hooded male, I fall on top of him, and quickly start to blush being embarrassed, I kept my eyes tightly shut starting to panic and think to myself what should i do??!
"HA LOOKS LIKE NO-EYES HAS A BOOOOOYFREIND!!" The kids in the hall passing by started to laugh at us...this was horrible, I started to shake slightly, with my heart racing, being reminded of the bulling back in Norway was overwelming, I gather the courage to open my eyes slightly, I look back down at the hooded male and my heart skipped a beat..he eyes?..A slight chill went down my spine and for a split second everything around me went silent as him and I stared at each other for a few more seconds, he starts to blush and pushes me off of him, throwing his hood back over himself, and quickly grabs his backpack and walks past me like nothing happened. I stand still being shaken by everything that just happened. My heart starts to calm down a bit as the guys walk away laughing and the halls clear up hearing the bell ring for classes to start. I look around the place and clear my being the only one in the hallway. I sigh grabbing my backpack off the floor..This is going to be one fucked up year...I start heading to my class room alone trying not to think about everything that just happened.

~After Math~

#Tom POV#
I get up for lunch after the bell rang, and started walking out to the mind ponders a bit, What the actual hell just happened? was all so mind can't stop thinking about it. I continue to walk until I hear someone sobbing in the restrooms, I start to get curious and go in, only to see it was that Norwegian kid wiping his tears in the mirror. he quickly noticed me and tried to clean himself up before i got any closer to him. putting his hoodie on as well. "o-oh uh hey.." He says clearing his voice, I walk up to him and ask him "Are you okay?" As soon as I took a step closer to him he takes a step back "Yeah yeah yeah...i'm fine." He claimed. I of course didn't believe him, I put my hands in my hoodie pockets and blink "No you're not. What's the problem?"  he looked away staying quiet with a snuffle of the nose. "Hey..I'm talking to-" He turned his face towards me and I notice he has a black eye. I get surprised from it of course but try to keep a straight face.. "..What what happened?" I ask stepping a bit closer to him. "n-Nothing.."
I raise an eyebrow being unamused "So..that black eye just appeared out of nowhere?" He frowned "look..I'm okay...really. just..I tried to stand up for myself and I usual." He explained, I leaned on the sink counter faced the red hooded male "Oh...Well that's stupid." I smirk, getting a chuckle out of him "I know. I am stupid..." He turns his head from me..shit I made him feel worse "w-well it could have been worse. It's not that stupid I guess..." I shift looking away still keeping a straight face. From the corner of my eye I see him look back at me, "...You're right." the bathroom goes silent for a minute. "Hey...What's your name anyways?" I ask being curious " name is Tord.." I blink raising an eyebrow "Tord? hmm. Interesting, uh I'm Thomas, but you can call me Tom.." I shrug. Tord smiles "Hyggelig å hilse på deg, Thomas." I blink and smile back "Nice to meet you too..Tord." we stay silent for a bit, until the class bell rang again "Oh shit...I forgot it was later I guess. Come on we'll be late for our classes and keep that black eye thing covered as much as you can..don't want you to get into anymore trouble with dumb ass bullies.." I walk out the bathroom leaving Tord behind. Continuing the rest of the school day with only myself.

(oki so this is not mine. My friend helped me with it, alot, and so yee) go subscribe to my friend: Essence Weeb Kitty.x3

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