Chapter 2

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I walking home listening to my music.
I hear a few taps on my headphones. I take them off to see Tord.
"What?" I ask him with a slight tone.
"Hey ummmm thanks for helping me get over the black eye thing......" He says while looking away.
"Oh yeah," I say taking off my headphones and pausing my music, ''how is your eye doing?"
"Better," He says, "I found this eyepatch in my bag, well I have few because people tend to beat me up....''
''What school did you go to before you got here?" I ask him.
"Many, first I went to a Norwegian school for about maybe 3 years, then to a German school for about a few months, an English school until I was in 9th grade, and now I'm here," he says is a sullen tone.
"Hey why the tone?" I say stooping him.
"Well in every school I was made fun of because of these," he says touching his hair horns.
"Hey well at least your not like me," I tell him.
"I WOULD DIE TO BE LIKE YOU! NOT HAVING PEOPLE MAKE FUN OF YOUR HAIR!" he says screaming with his arms spread out.
I look at the ground for a while then speak, "I would just rather die than anything, I get bullied non-stop. In class, in the locker rooms, outside of school, any where they fi-"

Tord POV
"HE LOOK! DEVIL AND NO EYES ARE FRIENDS!!! HEY FREAKS TRY AND DIE SOONER SO MY JOB CAN BE EASIER!!" a guy says from down the street with 3 other boys with jock coats on.
"HEY BUDDY TRY AND TELL THAT TO MR. PATERSON!!" a guy in a green hoodie saying with his hair over his eyes and his phone recording them.
"Okay geez buddy, we get it, you and your friend is in the newspaper club, we were only joking," one of the jock says. I didn't know what he ment by 'you and your friend' until I looked back over at the green hoodied person and saw a taller person, and I mean a LOT taller guy walks up to them and says "WATCH IT SHORTIES!!" (Oki so I know matt is a nice lil smol bean but I just have to make him like the guy that is only scary because of his height but is acually like any other bubbly person) and all the jocks jump up and scram out of the area (51). "NICE ONE MATT!" the green hoodied person says while high fiving I think it was Matt...? Tom soon runs up to them and starts talking. I stay behind because when I follow a 'friend' they say its private, so I just stay back.
"Tord, come here!" Tom says wile gesturing me to come over to them. I slowly walk over to them and hide behind Tom from the other two.
"Guys this is Tord he transferd her from Norway, Germany, and America," Tom says to them.
"WOAH! AN AMERICAN SCHOOL!? WHAT STATE WAS IT AT!? AND WHAT OTHER TOWNS DID YOU SEE IN NORWAY AND GERMANY!?" the one in the green hoodie asks me while getting paper out with a pencil.
"W-well for the American one, I went to Hawaii, I didn't know about the Norway one because I was to young to know and the Germany one I was in Berlin," I say as he starts writing stuff down.
"Edd, don't get worked up about him, we just met him," Matt says.
"Fine but, can we atleast interview him later?" Edd says.
"If it's okay with him," the taller one says.
"Sure I guess but, I...." I stop talking and just say yes.
"FINALLY A NEW KID TO INTERVIEW!!" Edd says while throwing his arms up.

~At Edd's house~

"MOM! WHERE IS MY CAMERA AND STUFF!?" I scream at my mom from my room.
I look for it in the closet and find it. I start setting stuff up until she asks what it's for.
"There's this new kid and he's letting me interview him," I say while trying to get the camera stand up. Mom comes over and sets it up.
"Do I need to get out of the house so thier won't be so much noise?" She says while backing away.
"You can but we will need quiet because he has a soft voice," I tell her while I finish putting the stuff up.
"I could run some errans, and go shopping...Who and all is coming?" She asks.
"Tom, Matt, and the new kid, Tord," I say while I start to straighten up my room.
"Oh I know his parents I met them at the open house," She says while folding my blaket.
"Really? Who are they?" I ask.
"You see he was adopted and his parents are well.....lets say guys," She says in a wierd tone.
"Oh..." I say. We both stop what were doing until we hear the doorbell ring.
"I'll answer it and you finish cleaning," She says as she rushes down the stairs. I finish cleaning and pull out a new sketch book and put it on my desk.

Tord POV
"Moooom, Daaaaaad, you know I could come here by myself..." I say while sloching down in my hoodie and adjusting my backpack.
"Why did you wear that big ol thing? It's like 95 degrees out here," My mom says.
"Honey don't worry about it just be happy hes not dressing up like your brother Pay," Dad says.
"HEY! UNCLE PAY DRESSES HOW HE WANTS!!" I scream at them. I got a smack across the back of my head from dad but it didn't hurt because I'm use to it.
The door opens and were greeted by a woman maybe in her 20's.
"Hi Patryk! Hi Paul!" She says in a bubbly voice.
"Hi Amy," Patryk says.
They talk for what seems like AGES then I finally say good-bye and walk in.
"Edd's up stairs in his room," Amy says. I start walking up the stairs and walk into a room with a white door with really good paintings on them with 'EDD' across the top.
"Hey," I say from across the room.
"Hey Tord," Edd says while turning around in his chair. I sit on his bed, "so soft..." I say under my breath.
"The thers should be here soon," Edd says while going back to what he was doing. We sat there for a while until I grab my phone and earbuds and start listening to music.
There was a big bang and I heard "MRS. GOULD WERE HERE!!" Tom says from down stairs. He rushes up the stairs with Matt behind him.
"HAHA I BEAT THEM HE- GOSHDARN IT!" He says when he looks at me but I was to busy watching my video.
"SEE TOM TOLD YOU TORD WOULD MAKE IT HERE FIRST!" Matt says while hitting Tom's shoulder.
"Okay you guys I'm off, there's some left overs in the fridge if you need anything call," Amy says while walking down the stairs.
"OKAY MOM!" Edd says from not taking his eyes off his paper. I was still watching my video.
We hear a door shut and Tom rushes over to Edd's closet and grabs a bottle of something and starts drinking it.
"Okay so who's ready to start?" Edd says turning around. We all raise our hand and he goes over to a spot with a camera and two seats.
"W-wait is this going to the newspapers?" I ask while turning my phone off.
"No we record it, edit it, then show it to the teachers, and see what we can do with it," Tom says while getting a computer out and sits it on Edd's desk as Matt goes over to the camera and turns it on.
"Tord come sit over here," Edd says while patting the seat across from him.
"Wow you guys came perpaired for this sleepover.....All I brought were some magaziens, and that stuff," I say while sitting down in the seat.
"Okay I'm ready, how about you guys?" Tom asks.
"I'm just waiting for Edd to give the signal," Matt says.
"Okay Tord is there anything you need to do before we start?" Edd asks.
"Yeah just one thing," I say while rushing over to my bag and grabbing a black mouth mask with nothing on it. I put it on and everyone staires at me.
"I-I can take it off if you guys get distracted...." I say going to take it off but Edd stops me and says, "NO NO! It's just that we haven't had anyone have one of those on." I keep it on and sat down. Edd grabed paper and a pencil.
"Matt do you have thoes hair pins?" Edd asks.
"Yeah here," Matt says while handing Edd two little hair pins. Edd pushed away his hair from his eyes and put the pins on. I couldn't stop stairing at him because is eyes were really adorable.
"Okay now were ready," Edd says while looking at the paper. Matt starts the camera and gives us a thumbs up.
                                                        ~Time skip brought to you by Tom's drinking problems~
"Okay and I finished editing it," I say while showing them the video. Tord seemed to suprised by my editing.
"WOAH! Can you help me edit something for my parents?" Tord asks.
"Sure, what's it about?" I ask while turning my computer back around to face me while making a new movie (Bc thats how I am. FIGHT ME)
Tord says, "It's there annaversery."
"Just send me some pics and I'll have it done before you can say 'Holy Lonely pony eating macaroni'!" I say.
"GREAT! Oh and its next week on Tuesday," Tord says while pulling out his phone.
"Oh yeah I'll have loads of time, even enough to much pictures will make my computer glitch out them I'll blame it all on you," He says in a angery tone.
I felt scared when he said that. But when he started to laugh I fakely laugh along.
"Okay you guys ready to start this sleepover?!" Edd says while throwing one of his fist up in the air.
"YEAH!" Tom and Matt say together while throwing there fist in the air. While I just sit on the bed watching my phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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