Your mom gay

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the people in my class are retards. they will do anything for attention. this one kid in my class has random outburst in the middle of class. but I'm going to make a fanfiction/a comedy about my dumbass class, lets begin. (I'm using code names) 

one day pineapple and bum became a perfect gay ship. even though they both said they weren't gay we all knew they had been fucking on the low. even though bum was talking about other peoples hairlines we all knew he didnt have one. 

then pineapple and shorty liked each other but shorty wasn't aloud to date so they never became a thing. (which is kinda sad but whatever) but now they hate each other but they are both my bestfriends so its kinda hard to talk to them without them getting into a fight. 

one day little boy and zachattack got into a fight. (like a fist fight not a argument) 

Talley is bald but he doesn't want to admit it.

the lover has a boyfriend which everyone is jealous of becasue they have such a good relationship. (who is also my sister)

fake bitch who is super annoying. 

the runaway who can be depressed and suicidal. 

anger who has random outburst.

dama ,(shorty) who is my best friend/sister/my bad bitch.

bum, who called me a whore.

sassy, who lives life her own way.

pinky, who can be dumb but funny.

child, who can be very inappropriate.

and last but not least, me, the one white girl.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2019 ⏰

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