Part 1

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You were in the house of the Capulet after the other Montagues has abandoned you for defending the Capulets. The house of Capulet was under attack so you ran over to Juliet and Cordelia and you tried keep them safe.

Y/n:Guys, everything is going to be alright.

You guys ran over to an area and hid behind a wall. You witness Juliet's father getting killed by Montague himself.

Juliet:Father is everything okay?

Cordelia covered Juliet's mouth to prevent themself from being caught. You guys continued towards the exit until a knight came right in front of you guys. You stepped in front of Cordelia and Juliet to try and defend them but some knight came and took them out saving your lives.

Knight:M'lady you are now safe.

He took you guys out and started fighting off some knights. He grabbed a while of all of you and then jumped down but then a flying horse comes and catches you guys. You didn't mind the height because you find it really fun. You held onto Juliet and pulled her close to you.

Y/n:Juliet, you don't have to be scared because it isn't so bad up here.

Your honest answer, this did make Juliet feel so much safer.

Years later.

You were in your your usual outfit after you have gotten out of your bed. You We're fixing your hair and while you were at it, your happy time was interrupted when you heard someone crying. You looked out see someone getting held back while her daughter was tied. She was crying for them to let her daughter go.

You couldn't stand for any of this anymore so you've gotten outised and threw a stone at one of the guards' head catching his attention.

Guard:Now which one of you did that?

The guard drew his sword and started pointing it at the people demanding who did it. While you hid the crowd all snickering to yourself, a mysterious person wearing a mask and hat jumped down from above and then cut the poor little girl loose.

Little girl: Thank you for saving me.

The guards prepared to attack but then the person knocked all their swords away and delivered a kick to one of the guards' face. The mysterious person was running away.

Guard:Don't think that we will let you escape.

Y/n: Well I don't need to wait around here.

You began running to where the mysterious person is. There other guards in the person's way but he quickly cut them down.

You continued your chase after the person. You saw that the person was falling from up high and you were about save him but then an person with blue hair then caught him by the hand.

Y/n:Oh that settles that.


You walked into Juliet's room where she was with Cordelia. Cordelia took her wig off which revealed her long beautiful hair.

Y/n: Well I hope that I'm not interrupting.

Juliet:No, it's alright.

Y/n:You are looking beautiful today Juliet.

Juliet:Thank you Y/n.

Your answer caused her to blush. While you were staring at the beautiful sight of her you saw that you were still in your usual clothes.

Y/n:Oh yeah, I'll be right back. Oh and before I go,you were great out there as the red whirlwind.

Juliet: Thank you for your honest.

Cordelia: You know, you two do make quite a match.

After that you got over to your room and got dressed in your fancy clothing.

After that you got over to your room and got dressed in your fancy clothing

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You were at the dance with Juliet and you both were wearing masks so you can't be seen by Montague. While you were with her, she started running.

Y/n:Hey wait!

You followed her all the way up to an water fountain. You hid behind the wall and watched her feeling the water and then you saw her making eye contact with the boy from earlier.

Y/n:What's going on here?

I hope you guys enjoyed the first part. Please stay tune fore more.

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