Part 2

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You were still watching behind a wall as the Juliet was talking with the boy. You listened at the boy asked Juliet for her name.

Juliet:My name is...

Before she could tell him her a another boy came up.

???:Romeo! Your is calling for you.

Juliet got up and then ran and then you took her by the hand. You were running to where two guys stood.

Guard1: We hope you two a wonderful night Ny lady.

Y/n: Well thank you sir.

A blonde then came up.

Blonde guy: My lady we have to take you home right.

Guard1: You sir, which house do you belong in?

Blonde guy:Oh how unbelievable. you don't know who these two Omid people are?That lady there is the daughter of the Farnese family, a distant relative of the Montagues.

The two guards then moved aside.

Guard2: Our deepest apologies ma'am.

You looked over to the blond.

Y/n: Hey dude thanks for your help but we didn't have a problem

Both you and Juliet then caught inside and then you saw her looking over for a second.

Y/n: Hey Juliet, what is it?

Juliet: Oh nothing.

You both continued your way inside the cart. You started holding Juliet's and began taking to her.

Y/n: Hey Juliet, May I ask who was that boy you saw back there?

Juliet: I don't know but he started asking me for my name.

Y/n: Well Juliet of something is happening O want you to come and tell okay?

Juliet's birthday.

Once Juliet's 16th birthday has came, you were knocking on her door. The door opened and it revealed to be Cordelia. You gave her some flowers.

Y/n:Hey Cordelia of you see Juliet, please tell her that I've sent these flowers to her.

Cordelia: Okay I'll make sure to give it to her when I see her.

Cordelia took the flowers from you.


Juliet was dressed I as someone else known as Odin and had stopped a crooked man who were selling Women and children. She was also dressed as the red whirl wind.

The man was preparing to run away but you held your sword up against his thrust before he could be able to do so.

Y/n:Cone on man, you didn't think that we'll just let you get away like that didn't ya? You are under arrest for kidnapping Women and Children.

You were pointing your sword right at him.

Crooked man: Okay here, just please leave me alone.

He started holding the document right in front of you you before you swiftly kicked the man in the face knocking him unconscious.

Odin walked up next to you and was still disguised as the red whirlwind.

Odin:Okay I think that you did took a bit too far didn't ya?

Y/n:Well not far enough, he deserved everything he got.

Odin:Well you're just as cold as ever Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah you could say that. Maybe you should go inside the house and take off that wig so U can see that beautiful side of you again.

Odin:*While blushing* Okay, if you insist.

Odin walked towards her house in a really blushing mess. You smiled when he left because you know you are gonna see Juliet, the one you met since your childhood.

While you daydreaming about Juliet, someone pushes you in a really rude manner.

Old rude man:Move it you bray!

Y/n:Okay jeez, you don't have to be really mean about it.

Old man: Well you wanna see the really mean side of me when you don't get your ass off the street.

He waves his cane at you but you swiftly moved before it reached you.

Y/n:Okay I get you. Just please relax you old fart.

Later that night.

You went to visit Juliet because you wanted to see her in the beautiful she was wearing. You really wanted to see that cute little smile on her face, you wanted to make her happy as she can be.

You knocked on the door and someone answered. It was Cordelia.

Cordelia:Oh welcome, have a seat.

Y/n:Thank you.

You sat right next to Juliet.

Y/n: You look beautiful always.

Juliet: Thank you so much Y/n


There was a strange man wearing a dark armor looking around an area.

There guards coming around him

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There guards coming around him.

Guard: Hey you, stop right there.

The man didn't even flinch, he charge at the guard full speed and started cutting them down slowly one by one.

Man: Everyone shall bow down to me and they all should be my slaves.

He let an vicious laugh that could be heard out loud.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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