Chapter 7

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I glared at Mint and crossed my arms. "Sis why are you glaring at him?" Jisoo asked gently. I looked at her and smiled sweetly. "Well this boy is very mean to me he bullied me because I sat in his spot," I pouted. Jisoo gasped and growled. "You can't bully my sis only I can!" She exclaimed and threw noodles at him. I laughed gently and nodded. "Come on Jisoo lets go somewhere else," I said. "Yeah! Somewhere without doo doo heads!" She said and asked for take out containers and she packed everything up taking my hand and marched out the door. I smiled gently looking at her.

Soon we made it to the park and we sat down and had a picnic. "Sis..." She started. I looked at her humming. "Why do you act like a boy..? Will you always be my sis? I dont want to lose Jihyun," she asked starting to cry gently. I cooed and held her. "No no no, You will never lose Jihyun. I just feel more myself as a boy," I explained. "But that doesnt mean we cant go get our nails done. Go to the mall and get starbucks. Or do any other girly things," I said. "We can do all that stuff so dont you worry," I hummed and kissed her forehead. Jisoo nodded and snuggled into me happily.

We continued to eat and Jisoo was very set on us changing our hair colours. I sighed. "Okay~ What colour will you get Jiji?" I asked. She thought hard for a solid second. "PURPLE!" She squealed. I chuckled and nodded. "Alright Alright, What should I go?" I asked gently. "Pink," Jisoo grinned. I nodded sadly. "Alright lets go get our hairdone!" I said and put her stuff in the house then carried her out to the hair salon. She smiled brightly looking at him as she was getting her hair dyed. "Wow Jisoo your hair looks amazing~" I cooed. She blushed and giggled swatting her hand at me.

God its nice not having that Minty fucker around.

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