Meeting Mr Hudson

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You were a Sophomore at  William Mickenly High school and you had never dated anyone but you wanted to fall in love more than anything. You were lonely you loved on the streets because both your parents died your foster parents covers for you they just wanted the money. You also were in glee club yup you did win the national championship but nobody ever noticed you literally nobody did it was sad you had to go to the yearbook editor to make sure they put your name in the yearbook. But this year you would change you started dressing better and getting in better shape you thought you looked good but in all truth you were hot stunning and sexy. Today was your first day back from winter break and you were ready to show off your new look. You walked into glee club and everyone just stared at you you smiled shyly and took your seat. Mr Shue then came in to tell everybody that Fin Hudson would be taking over glee until Mr Shue comes back. Fin Hudson you remember him you were head over heals for him but you knew he would never even glance at you.
The next day you came to glee and took your seat you were early so you decided to play a song with your guitar. An original that you were to scared to show anybody it's about how nobody cares about you. When you finished you heard clapping you looked to see Fin Hudson and tried to bolt but he caught you. "Hey there" he said "hi" you said back he started talking again and said " you are very talented, you should join glee" "what? Your joking right" you said " why would I be joking" he replied. You were hurt that he really didn't know who you were. You decided to tell him you were already in glee. "I'm already in glee Fin I was in glee last year as well when WE won nationals" his face turned bright red and then he said " I'm sorry I just don't recognize you."  You smiled and said "it's okay I was really quiet" you said. It was silent for a moment "hey  do you wanna go get some lunch I canceled glee practice today" Finn said "sure"
you replied. Finn held out his hand and you took it and smiled.

Hey guys hope you like it there will be a part 2 please comment. You guys are amazing.
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