Dancing with Mike

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You were one of the nicest people in school you were also the only girl on the football team you were also in glee. You were by far the best singer and dancer everyone new it except you. Rachel was jealous at first but then you gave her lots of your solos so now she was your best friend. Pretty much everyone in glee was your best friend even Santana and Puck you and Mr Shue were even friends. There was one friend that you were head over heels for, it was Mike Chang. You had been friend with Mike since 8th grade his parents loved you. You were also the first person to know Mikes secret love of dancing you had actually convinced Mike to join glee.
One morning you were working on a singing and dance routine at the school studio. You wished that you had a partner for this routine but it was to late. You were dancing and all of a sudden you tripped and you were ready to hit the ground but something or someone was keeping you from falling you looked up to see a smiling Mike. "Do you need a partner" he said you nodded and taught him the song and the dance and an hour later you to had perfected it at the end you just stared at him he was perfect. He was smart, handsome, athletic, funny, and kind. Then all of a sudden he kisses you passionately. You kissed him back but the kiss didn't break it kept going he kissed your neck your cheeks your jaw it was getting very intimate until someone coffee and you looked up too see Mr Shue. You smiled and grabbed your stuff and walked out hand in hand with Mike. 

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