Ralphael Red Turtle

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Ralphael pov

There is a blonde headed girl on the couch I dont know what to do so I go get ice when I go to put it on her head she jumped up with my weapon and I pulled out my other weapon then leo came in "Yall to put down the wepons before someone gets hurt and Maya give Ralph is weapon back". I gave his weapon back and start to walking off and Ralph and Mikey stopped me by blocking the ladder and Ralph carried my back to the couch and me and him sat there well splinter and leo and mikey were training.Me and Maya were on the couch talking."OMG Raph can my friend Riley come over I tell her everything and I want to show her my new boyfriend" I interrupted her and said "New boyfriend whos is ur new boyfriend?"Maya went to me and put her head to my ear and said its u Raph". I tried to not blush so and I was blushing so red like my mask I didnt know what to do so I kissed her and told her that she can bring Riley after school I will be waiting for yall on the rooftop ok? Ok Maya said " Well, I have to go home sorry I cant stay longer"And she gave me another kiss and she was walking out but I ran after her and said" I will walk you all the way to the main street and watch you get home safely" "Ok" Maya said then we got to the main street and I gave her a necklace that said "Raphaels girl" on it and she jumped in to my arms and gave me a long kiss and said "Ok I have to go but I got you something" and she pulled out a red box and she gave it to me and I opened the box and I pulled out I pulled out a necklace saying "Mayas boyfriend"on it then we hugged each other and then Maya left to go home wearing my necklace.

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