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"You do understand that this is a very serious accusation, Miss Rose?"

Am I talking to myself here, or does the man in front of me just not seem to be listening?

With a necessary sigh, I run a hand through my hair while looking out of the window in the man's office to show the dark night sky. That is how long I've been in this place for; so long that even the sun has gone to bed, but I'm stuck here in this room saying the same thing over and over again.

"I did not tell anyone that the Quinns took advantage of me; someone made that up, but I had no idea."

When his hand furiously comes in contact with the dark oak desk, my body flinches at the loud 'BANG' sound it makes. "Don't lie to me Miana! Do you think we have time to waste on your petty school lies? There could be a murder on the loose right now, but instead of stopping that murderer I'm caught up here in some school drama."

I rub a hand up and down my face. "You're the one who won't let me go." I mutter quietly. But a "what?" from the balding man tells me I wasn't as silent as I thought.

"To be honest I would love to throw all of those stinkin' Quinns in jail, but sadly I can't. You're little false accusation actually gave me a little bit of hope; I thought that maybe today would be the day they would be put behind bar without their daddy being about to bail them out. But no."

My eyebrow raises at his cold tone, "What have you got against the Quinns?" I ask, more curious then anything else.

Hie eyes widen, almost asking me 'don't you know?' themselves. "Those good-for-nothing sons of-" He seems to stop himself before he can utter any bad words. With a cough and face rub he's back to explaining the problem with the Quinns.

"That family is the epitome of criminals. They are the lawbreakers who are protected by money. They are the people who will bring this town down." He preaches. I awkwardly sit there, nodding along whiles he continues. "They have commited so many crimes, but because they have money we're forced to turn a blind eye. And when we actually have them for something, the witnesses either "disappear", "move away" or "suddenly strike gold"."

Interesting. So the Quinns actually are shady?

His passion seems to be spreading through his face as it light up like a Christmas tree.

"Are you Ok sir? Do you want some water?"

He shake his head, "No! What I want is for them Quinns to be locked away."

I nod slowly, "Sadly, that doesn't seem to be happening right now. I think you need to take some deep breathes."

I watch as the red -that started off at the tip of his ears- colours in the rest of his face in an instant. Before the psycho man can grab a hold of me the door swings opened loudly, and when I catch a glimpse of my knight in shining armour, I jump to my feet with an ear-to-ear grin.

"Lamar! Thank God!" I scream as I basically leap into his arms and away from the raging man. The taller -much more muscular- man wraps his thick arms around my back and squeezes me into a death hold -not that I mind at all.

"So you're the troublemaker girl I'm hearing about? How am I not surprised?"

I roll my eyes, "I didn't do anything. Haven't your sources told you that I was the most confused person at that whole happening?"

PC Rain (the short little angry man) once again slams his hand down on the table, "PC Rose, I am currently questioning this suspect, so I would be grateful if you could leave now. Lying about rape is a very serious thing."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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