Chapter 10 (Juniperkit)

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Padding out of my warm, cozy den I peered up at the stars above. I was wide awake and unable to sleep, the dream I had haunting me. I had dreamt of my father… and of how he died. I shivered, not from the cold night wind that brushed against me but of the dark memory the past night.

            Sitting down and wrapping my tail over my paws, I continued to watch the stars that twinkled above without a care in a world. What would it be like to be so high? You could see everything, but at the same time not worry about anything. A simple life the stars must have… I sighed and stared down at my paws. Instead I’m stuck here struggling through my daily life, wondering what my destiny is. Would my illness eventually take my life? Despite the gentle reassuring of my mother, I knew that with each passing moon it grew more difficult to breath.

            A medicine cat… would becoming a medicine cat be the best way to protect those I loved? Softheart had told her that me wasn’t strong enough to become a warrior, she was probably right but how can I just give up my dream? But is becoming a warrior truly my dream, or is it the thought of defending those I love. “I’m too young to think about this,” I scolded myself, most kits my age would only be thinking about the next moss ball they’d catch. But unlike most kits my age, I’m barely capable of chasing after a moss ball without having a coughing fit.

            “Juniperkit, what are you doing out of the nursery this late?” someone’s soft meow, I easily recognized it as Softheart, asked. The calm medicine cat padded up to me, her eyes staring thoughtfully at me.

            “I couldn’t sleep,” I mumbled while shuffling my paws. “I had a dream about my father…”

            Softheart’s yellow gaze filled with sorrow and after a moment of silence sat down next to me. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save him,” she whispered. “As a medicine cat I wish I could save every warrior that enters my den but some are called to StarClan and there is nothing we can do then.”

            “Why do they have to die?” I snapped, frowning agitatedly. “It isn’t fair!”

            “Everything dies eventually,” Softheart stated, “some earlier than others. But death doesn’t necessary mean the end, for the dead will continue to live inside those dear to them.”

            A studied the medicine cat silently, still frowning. She smiled warmly down at me and continued. “It appears you are still too young to understand,” she mused which earned a glare from me. “But let me tell you, sometimes a cat is destined to serve their Clan another way. While the most obvious choice is to fight valiantly and hunt for your Clan, as that is what warriors do, there is another way. A medicine cat fights just as hard for their Clan, but in a different way, we fight the illnesses and wounds that the warriors of the Clan are inflicted with. Juniperkit, which path do you think would be best for you?”


I sighed, looking anxiously at the Narrow Ledge. Today was the day, and my stomach churned with nerves just thinking about it. I had turned six moons and, despite being excited to earn my apprentice name, I was so nervous my paws shook. During the four moons after the talk I had with Softheart, I had come to accept my destiny… I was now more than willing to learn to become a medicine cat for my Clan. I glanced around the camp, watching as the apprentices cleaned out the nursery or as warriors brought in the fresh kill they had managed to catch.

            My attention drifted towards the elders, there was currently only Darkstorm and Opalflight living in the den and both were incredibly old and wise. The four latest kits, who had turned three moons recently, listened impatiently to one of the elder’s tales. Hawkkit, his dark brown fur fluffing out in irritation suddenly stood up on his hind paws and playfully swatted at Opalflight’s ear. That earned a low growl from the cranky elder and a smack on the head that left Hawkkit dazed. Rainkit, the only female of the litter, rolled her rain blue eyes while her brown tabby fur fluffed out in amusement. Silverkit, the only kit of the litter that took after his mother’s pretty silver fur, suddenly leapt to his paws and dashed off. The other three quickly followed which earned an annoyed snort from Darkstorm.

            “Juniperkit, Juniperkit!” Bramblekit, his pale tan stripes standing out against his dark brown fur, dashed up to me. His large, innocent blue eyes looking up at me. “Play with us!” he squaked and the others gathered around me, clamoring for me to play with them.

            Before I could say anything though, Sweetstar let out a yowl as she leapt up onto the Narrow Ledge. The Clan meeting was beginning and I my fur ruffled slightly at the prospect of standing in front of my entire Clan. I took in a couple of deeps breaths, trying to soothe my rising panic, as the Clan eagerly gathered around the ledge.

            “There’s nothing to fear Juniperkit,” my mother soothed as she padded up to me, her warm golden eyes calming me slightly.

            “I’ m just worried I’ll mess up…” I admitted softly while shifting my paws.

            “You’ll do just fine,” Rosethorn assured, her long ginger tail rubbing my back in a calming gesture.

            “SilverClan, I call you together to make a kit into a paw!” Sweetstar declared, the chattering crowd grew silent as they stared expectantly at our ginger-and-white leader. “Juniperkit, come forth.”

            “Stay strong Juniperkit,” Rosethorn whispered into my ear as I nervously stepped forward, my Clanmates parting to allow me to approach the Narrow Ledge.

            Sweetstar stared calmly down at me as I appeared from the crowd, an slight encouraging smile on her face. “Juniperkit you have now reached the age of six moons and it is time for you to become an apprentice. Juniperkit, from now on until the time in which you earn your name, you shall be known as Juniperpaw. Softheart, as our only medicine cat, it is time for you to obtain on apprentice. Do you believe Juniperpaw has what it takes to train as a medicine cat?”

            Softheart, who had sat among the crowd, stepped forward. “Yes, Juniperpaw will train hard to become medicine cat.”

            “Than Softheart shall be mentor to Juniperpaw!” Sweetstar declared and Softheart stepped up to me, leaning down as gently bumped her nose against mine.

            “Juniperpaw, Juniperpaw!” the Clan cheered happily and the crowded around me to congratulate me and wish me luck in my training.

            “Alright Juniperpaw, I believe it is time to begin training,” Softheart meowed once the crowd dispersed to continue with their duties. “Today will be spent familiarizing yourself with certain herbs. I believe you know quite a few already but there are many herbs that you will need to learn about.”

            “I hope I don’t have to remember every single one right away,” I mumbled, horrified at the thought.

            “Of course not,” Softheart purred. “It takes even the most skilled apprentice time to learn every name and usage of an herb. And I expect, whenever you can’t remember one, for you to come to me and ask. It is part of learning to ask questions after all.”

            “Alright Softheart,” I nodded and followed my new mentor into the medicine cat den… the den I’ll be staying in from now on.

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