Chapter 11 (Spiritpaw)

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Four moons passed since I was taken to this place, two after being named a ‘paw. I could vaguely remember how in… what was it, SilverClan? Yes SilverClan, I would normally have had to wait until I turned six moons. Well not here, in ShadeClan a stolen kit was made into a learner at the age of four moons. Every day since I had been named Spiritpaw I would have to wake at the crack of dawn, meet my teacher for the day and train till the sun was high above our heads. After that, I would be taken back to the camp and sit sentry duty with another guard. At dusk, I would be reassigned another cat and we would patrol the forest until moon rise. The only time I had a chance to eat was right after waking up, and that’s if I woke up early enough, and then before going to bed.

            However, unlike most guard learners, I had the special privilege to train under Nightfrost himself. I’m not sure if I’d call that amazing, seeing as how it’s gotten me into plenty of trouble. All of the other Stolen have come to despise me for the special treatment I’ve been getting, really the only ones who care about me are Sharppaw and Orangepaw. Even the comfort of my past was slowly fading from my memory. My old name was long since forgotten, Spiritpaw was my only name now. The vague memories of my family were mainly just emotions or feelings; the warmth of my mother as I snuggled closer to her; the joy of playing with my father; the protective love towards my sickly little sister. These feelings were some of the few I had left of a better life, and I clung to them like a life line. But how long till my grasp loses strength and it finally slips away? I didn’t want to forget them, but over time wouldn’t that eventually happen? They’d be gone just like any other memory before my arrival to ShadeClan.

            “Spiritpaw!” Nightfrost’s annoyed snarl jerked me from my thoughts and I let out a pained howl as his long, sharp claws raked across my muzzle. His cold, harsh gaze locking onto mine until I looked away. My heart was pounding loudly and my chest tightened in fear, Nightfrost was in a bad mood. Whenever he was in a bad mood he needed a scapegoat, and I guess that was going to be me. “You are truly pathetic!” I winced and shut my eyes, expecting sharp pain to follow the harsh words. But it didn’t come, slowly peeling open my eyes, I stared nervously at Nightfrost. He was pacing angrily back and forth, his tail lashing in frustration. He suddenly stopped and turned towards me, his eyes suddenly narrowing. I knew that look, it was one he gave to someone when they had a mission. I mission which usually dangerous, a mission in which you expected to die. “Spiritpaw, do you want more in your life than being a measly guard your entire life?”

            Hesitantly I nodded, anyone would want to be ranked higher. To be a guard was a low position among the Clan, lower than anything… Anyone would leap at the idea of being ranked higher. “Then listen closely young learner, I have a job for you,” those very words sent a shiver down my spine, I instantly regretted answering his question. But then again, even if I hadn’t nodded he would have known. Nightfrost was our leader, he knew everything about everyone. “There is a spy among ShadeClan, and I want you to track him down and kill him. If you manage to do this successfully, not only will you survive the ordeal but you’ll also being training to become a Fighter.”

            I let out a startled gasp, my eyes widening. A fighter… only Clan-born cats could become a fighter. It was practically unheard of for a Stolen to become either a fighter or a stealer. “I…” I paused, I can’t be hasty. I have to chose this wisely, no matter how tempting it is, it’s better to live as a lowly ranked guard than to die. But if I take the chance, that would give me the possibility of being treated better. “I accept this mission.”

            A smug, crooked smile spread across he knew I was going to say yes. A coldness washed through me as I instantly regretted saying those four words. But at the say time, a fierce thrill burned inside. There was a chance to escape this horrible life… a chance to find sturdy ground.

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