
I sat in the coffee house waiting for the arrival of Drew and later Flynn and Oceane.

To be honest I have no idea they're going to take it. I know we shouldn't right now because of... Everything. But... We want some normality back in our lives.
Plus, Flynn actually you know... Proposed! To Oceane.

So... Yeah!

Oh God, I'm nervous.

"Morning!" Said as a chipper Drew as he came and sat down beside me.

"Morning!" I turned to face him and hugged him.

"They're on there way now." I said to.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm... Nervous. You know, in case your brother decides to beat the crap out of me." He replied.

"Well, I'm not going to let that happen." Our faces now only a few centimetres apart. He smiled and kissed me gently.

"Promise?" He smiled

" I promise..." I giggled.

"Hey guys..." Said Flynn as he walked in with Oceane behind.

"Hey!" Said s strangely chipper Oceane.

What's with everyone today?
It'll be Flynn next.
But I doubt it.

"Morning..." I yawned.

"You alright bud?" Flynn asked Drew as he sat down



I might be now
But I doubt I'll be alright in a moment.

"Yeah, I'm good. You?" I asked.

"Could be better. But generally, okay." He weakly smiled.

"Okay..." I started.

"The reason why we wanted to speak to you today is because... We've decided to move in together."

Then we got two different reactions.

"Aw guys!"


And I think you know who said what.

Oceane looked at Flynn.

"Seriously?" He asked.

I looked at Emma for her to say something.

"Yeah Flynn. To return some normality to..."

"Emma, our lives are not normal. Understand that? I don't think it's a good idea." He said obviously p*ssed.

"And why not?" I could tell she was getting upset.

"Because You've dated for what, 4 months? Come on! Get a grip. Wanting to do something like that while all this mess is going on?"

"It's been going on for long enough Flynn. What if this goes on for years? Am I never going to be able to move on with my life!?" She exclaimed

"Don't be so childish Emma!" He said.

That pushed her over the edge.

She stood up abruptly and looked down at him, the coffee house going silent, everyone turning to us.

Through gritted teeth, she said "I am not 13 years old Flynn. You've done some pretty screwed up things yourself. Just piss off." She got up and left the Coffee House.

Saving Emma: Oh Danny Boy. Book 7Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora