
I got the Elliott case!

It's a divorce settlement. Two kids who need to stay with a parent but neither of the adults seem to mind who the children go with. Reason for divorce...
Here's the thing...

The husband committed bigamy! The offence of marrying while already married. It's a big case so Joanne said I can work from home and the office on a schedule.

"I have another letter!" Drew called from the living room. We both have work to do so we decided to stay in separate quarters.

"Go on...." I called back as I wrote a note.

"I now have W. E. I." He said.

I placed my pen down and called in "are you sure?"

"Mmmmm." He murmured.

Price had sent over a photocopy of the note from the station.

"I'm thinking it's German." He popped his head around the door frame. I turned around in my seat and saw his silly smile.

"Yeah. Okay." I laughed.

He rolled his eyes and said "okay, okay. Not German. But weight?"

"Hm. Plausible." I thought for a minute.

"Okay, go with it." I smiled.

"You're the boss!" He tapped the door frame and hurried off.

I laughed to myself and shook my head before I continued making notes.

I checked the time and saw that it was my lunch break, so I stacked my folders and left the study.

"Nice to see you Winters." Drew smiled as I walked into the living room and turned on the TV

"Nice to see you too Kingston." I smiled back as I tightened my ponytail. I chucked myself down on the chair next to him and sighed.

"How's it going in there?" He asked as he put his phone down.

"Good. It's an interesting case actually." I replied while adjusting the straps on my vest.

It was already 90 degrees and it's only 10:30...
Global warming at its finest.

He turned to face me and asked "what do you think is meant by weight then?"

"I can't imagine it's the weight of the drugs. That would have been on the other piece of paper..."

Drew looked thoughtfully for a minute before saying "the other piece of paper was to calculate how much was needed for an overdose..."

I realised where he was going and said "so he would have needed the measurements of the person he was drugging."

"Exactly. Great minds think a like." He smirked as he placed his hand on my cheek. I kissed his palm before getting up and heading towards the kitchen.


I turned around and watched her walk away. I'm only thankful for this weather because it means less clothing.

Well, not as serious as I made it seem. I'm a guy who prefers mind over body any day of the week.

But as we all know, I love everything about Emma. Everything.
So it's all good.

Anyway, back to this note.

Price text me saying he has the word Martha's and a few numbers. It doesn't say weight near where he's found that though. Those numbers good be height. But who could of got these? Hospital records are only slightly more accessible to people like me in the last two years

Saving Emma: Oh Danny Boy. Book 7Where stories live. Discover now