The Day Off, Pt.1

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The door slid open and woke wheatley up. Then he realised the cube looked different, it was also softer? He must of been imagining things. But it felt alot more homey in the room now.

Wheatley. Looked to his left and saw GLADOS standing there. With a device in her hand.

"Say Glados whats that in your hand?" , "Watch this!". She pressed the button and then suddenly their eyes started to glow the corresponding colors. "Woah, flashlights!" , "I have yet to finish integrating them into our systems."She said, a hint of generousness in her voice.

"You should look at your breakfast today" Just then the panel slid from the wall. Wheatley was overwhelmed with joy. "Glados, I cant believe you're letting me have strawberries!" "What they aren't THAT special."
"I also forgot to mention, if I seem very giving today it's because I upgraded my processors and servos. I will take me atleast a day to readjust to my body, So thats why I decided in my best interest to give you a day off from testing"

Wheatley was busy digging into the strawberries when he suddenly stopped, processing what she said. "Really GLaDOS?! Thats probably the nicest thing youve ever done for me. A-aside from the um-uh. Kiss-ing, thing."
"Either way, you are free to roam the facility for the rest of day." And with that, she walked out.

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