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Chapter 9 - Distractions.

Wednesday February 6th - Night.

Lexi's moaning communicated to Kelly that she was near to climax again, he was close too. "Kelly" she sighed his name as she bit his shoulder and dug her nails in to his back, he knew she had peaked again, and it sent him over the edge.

He held her up against the wall, not ready to let her go. They both panted, catching their breath, he rested his head on her shoulder and she put her cheek against his neck, savouring the feeling of the endorphins rushing through their blood streams.

Sweating and panting from the throes of passion, Kelly kissed her shoulder lightly, setting her down on her feet. "Hey" he whispered smiling admiringly at her pushing her sweaty hair back from her face.

Lexi instantly felt guilty, she shouldn't have let that happen. The way he was looking at her made her feel uncomfortable. "Kelly, I..."

"Stop" he interrupted her his voice pleading, "just let me live in it for a minute, please"

She kissed him softly on the lips understanding he needed to be in the moment, not thinking about anything, just feeling the sweetness of the aftermath of their encounter.

They redressed in the small space at the bottom of the stairs then went up to Lexi's kitchen. Kelly sat at the breakfast bar in front of the tablet, that had booted up and was showing the last mugshot Lexi had looked at, remembering her place in the many photos she still had to look through. "Burning the midnight oil?" he asked pointing to the screen.

Lexi took a bottle of beer from the fridge and twisted off the cap. "Yeah" she confirmed "I was going to spend another hour looking through when I was distracted" she smiled flirtatiously as she handed him his beer.

His knowing smile reached his eyes as he sipped from his bottle. "Sorry for the distraction"

"I'm not complaining" she told him pouring herself a glass of wine.

"I get that that's all it was" Kelly assured her "a good distraction" he looked her in the eye to show he understood them having sex didn't mean they were suddenly back together. "Guess we both needed it"

"Well you know my reasons" Lexi began taking her wine glass and sitting on the sofa. "Wanna tell me about your bad day?" she asked putting her outstretched legs in his lap as he sat on the other end of the couch.

He sipped his beer to give himself a second to rein in his emotions. "I had to talk someone off a ledge" Kelly explained staring off in to the distance. "Only I didn't. She was too far gone, and we didn't get the equipment in place in time" Lexi knew that wasn't the whole story, Kelly had lost people before and it hadn't affected him as much as this one. She changed her position sitting closer to him, looking at him sideways, she gently stroked the side of his neck, knowing it soothed him. "Her Mom had passed away a few weeks ago and she found out her husband had been having an affair with her best friend. All I kept thinking was I needed Shay, Shay would be able to make her see sense, bring her round"

"Maybe" Lexi said sympathetically "either way, it wasn't your fault, nothing you said or didn't say" she consoled him. "You said it yourself, some people are just too far gone"

Kelly exhaled long and tiredly "some days I struggle to remember why I do this job"

"You do it for the ones you do save, the people you can reach" she reminded him. "You do it because you're amazing at it"

"Speaking of amazing" Kelly grinned suggestively.

"Here we go" Lexi rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "Kelly Severide boasting about his skills"

Trials, Tribulations and Triangles 2. - Chicago PD/FireTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang