Well Now I'm In Love.

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My name is Jessica. And that's all you need to know.

Just kidding.

Okay, well. About 3 years ago I heard What Makes You Beautiful on the radio, and I fell in love. I looked up One Direction and that was it. The video diaries, the cartoons, the merchandise from Claire's, the Up All Night album. Harry was, and is, my favorite. They were just all so special and funny and adorable and ugh. Then came Take me Home.

I wanted to see them in concert, but it was never really a possibility for me because I'm poor. My obsession grew, and I posted Harry Styles pictures all over my walls in my room. My friend Hanna got me a Harry Styles cardboard cutout for my 16th birthday. Then, later that fall, Midnight Memories came out. I mean. Are there words? I fell in love all over again for those boys. Those silly, crazy, attractive boys. But those boys were changing. They were growing up, starting to do more and more things, and they were bigger than ever.

That December I got tickets to see them in concert, in September of next year. That was an amazing day, finding out I had gotten a ticket to see my idols...

"Jess, wait up!"

I turned to see my best friend, Hanna, running down the hall, a smile on her face. I waved, "Hey! Did your Mom call?"

We had been waiting and crossing our fingers that her mom would be able to get us One Direction tickets. However, with how fast those tickets sold out in the past, I wasn't trying to get my hopes up. Still, this was One Direction we were talking about! Anyone within five feet of me would know of my obsession with the amazing band, due to my Harry Styles stickers all over my binder. Just the thought of seeing them in concert made my knees weak.

Hanna's smile grew wider. "She got them!", she exclaimed.

I was so shocked. "Oh my God! What! She got them?! Really?!", I cried out of happiness. My cheeks were hurting from smiling so much, and I was getting so excited.

"Yeah! For the Rose Bowl next year!" Hanna yelled.

"Ahhhh!!!!! We're seeing One Direction!"

The bell rang and I skipped to class, running into a few friends. I jumped up and down and shouted, "We got One Direction tickets!" My friends all smiled and were happy for me, and when I saw my friend Ryan, I couldn't help myself.

"Ryan!" I screamed as I ran into his arms. I jumped on top of him and yelled, "We got One Direction tickets!"

With a confused smile, he said, "Wow, really? That's awesome!"

I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.

Over the year long wait, I started to hear more about a band called 5sos. Over the time I waited for the concert, they were growing bigger and bigger. I started to slowly fall in love with them, without even noticing it.

With the huge wait for the One Direction concert, I started to forget about my idols and my obsession.

I left public school for online school due to an anxiety disorder, and grew quite busy with my upcoming senior year and therapy. Summer rolled around and I was hardly thinking of the concert.

Then, September came.

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