5 - Dreams

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The sounds of steady breathing rise and fall with the approaching sunrise.  The windows, iced thickly with dew and dust lets in a muffled pinkish hint of sunrise.  My arm wraps instinctively around Landon's shoulders.  

Across the room, Dace sits quietly on the floor, in between Lucy and Jace who rest awkwardly with their heads upon his shoulders.  He's not much different than me, having to step up and fill the void of his father, being the protector and supporter for his family.  

Dace's eyes meet mine, he smiles a crooked smile, showing off beautiful white teeth.  "Morning," he mouths without a sound.  I can't help but smile back slightly.

Landon's shoulders begin to shift under my arm as he reaches for a silent stretch.  "Hey Champ, good morning," I greet him in a whisper.  

He mumbles somewhat of a greeting back to me before wrapping his arms around me, squeezing tightly with a long sigh.

I glance down at Landon, his eyes blinking rapidly fighting back his emotions.  "Hey," I whisper.  He responds with a grunt.  "I love you a million Champ."

"I love you infinity more," he replies.

Across the room, my eye catches Dace and his family now all awake too, huddled in a group hug, eyes clothes, and their foreheads touching.  

"Another day, another blessing," Lucy says just loud enough for me to hear.

We stand, dusting off before grabbing a few stale honey buns I had found the day before, tearing them into equal parts to share with the Anderson's before setting off into the foggy morning. 

It's nice, having others around again.  It's almost as if I've forgotten how relationships go outside of Landon and I.  The boys walk ahead, chatting quietly about their lives before living life on the run.  Lucy and I keep a steady stroll behind, conversing between ourselves.

I learn that Lucy was a pediatric nurse, as well as a volunteer firefighter.  She wishes nothing more than to help others.  

"What is your dream dear?? her voice is soothing and gentle.

I think for a moment before answering, "Well, I never really thought much about it.  I thought I had plenty of time to get that figured out.  And now?  What's the point?  In dreams I mean.  It just seems pointless to me to be hopeful about anything."

Lucy's fragile hand rests on my shoulder, "Life is a gift, and it offers us the opportunities and responsibilities to give something back by giving more."  I glance into her brown eyes as she smiles warmly.

"How can you be so sure?  Look at this, look at us!  We're nothing but mere prey skittish and hiding in the shadows.  Those things have taken everything!"  My eyes glisten with unshed tears, my mind thinking of my parents.

"It may seem like they've taken everything," Lucy says glancing into the sky, "but they can't take this."  She gestures with an open hand about the small group.  "This, family.  Love.  They cannot take this away from us.  Never.  Maybe physically, but this love will continue."

I nod in understanding.  If anything, Landon and I have grown stronger in all of this.  Our once inability to be in the same room without bickering has turned into a powerhouse of love and determination.  "Then," a stray tear slides down my cheek, "my dream is to protect Landon, and find him a better tomorrow."

"And what a beautiful dream that is dear.  I couldn't think of a dream any more powerful and strong than that!"  Her arm wraps around my shoulders, giving it a tight squeeze.

"Aww man!"  Jace's voice rings out as the boys stop short in front of us.  

"What is it?"   Lucy asks, dread in her normally sweet voice.

"I think it's the screams we heard last night," Dace speaks up.

I glance over Landon's shoulders into the face of a new victim.  There's a sadness in his vacant eyes.  I dry heave at the sight, the man's chest cavity torn open crudely, what was left of his inner organs strewn about in a bloody mess.  I turn away, unable to look any longer.  We have stumbled upon bodies before, but none this fresh.

Dace pats the body down, looking for any items of use, finding only a locket with a woman's picture inside.  He shakes his head sadly as he stands.

"Uhhh... you all may want to come see this,"  Jace breaks the silence of our grievance for the unknown soul.  He stands about fifteen feet away, standing over a fallen log beckoning insistently.

As one, we rush over, peering into the small hollowed out trunk gasping in unison at the sight.  Lucy brings a frail hand to her mouth, trying to hold in a sob.

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