7 - Nightmares

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Days pass by with no signs of the murderous intruders. I glance about our small pack, Belle skips alongside Landon. Although she has come to trust the rest of us, her and Landon's bond is remarkably strong, and she never lets him out of her sight. Landon reaches out and grabs Belle, forcing her arm up, and tickling her armpit. She giggles, her face lighting up.

We have grown close, Lucy almost like a mother for all of us, her unbelievable positive outlook on life, even in the darkest of times has become contagious. A new hope has been sparked in me. Lucy currently strolls beside Jace, her arm resting upon his shoulder. Dace as usual strolls ahead of the pack, like an alpha wolf, protective of the ones following close behind him.

It is midday, a cool breeze blows through my hair, a welcomed sensation against the hot humid air. I close my eyes, allowing it to lap about my body.

"Shh, listen," Dace suddenly announces, his hand up.

We all stand still, unmoving, ears perked for sound. Landon grabs Belle's hand gently, placing a finger to his lips signaling for her to make no sound. The familiar sound of flowing water drifts softly toward our ears. Grinning we race forward toward the sound just beyond a small grove of trees.

The water flows gently, crystal clear water laps lazily about the rocks lining the stream. Belle squeals, her hands clasped together.

"Race ya!" Jace pipes up, before sprinting off toward the stream.

Landon laughs, grabbing Belle by the hand, they take off together, Dace chasing after them.

Lucy strides up beside me and laughing, before grabbing my hand, together we take off in a jog.

"There's a cabin upstream!" Dace calls out. "Maybe we can call it a day, set up camp here, freshen up, gather water."

"Sounds lovely," Lucy says, slightly out of breath, she kneels, dipping her hands into the cool water before bringing it to her lips.

I squat by the side, my hands touch the cool liquid, bringing it to my chapped lips and allowing it to slide down my throat.

Dace kneels beside me, taking a few sips before splashing it over his head, his hands wiping the water from his face.

After filling our water bottles, we make our way toward the large log cabin, sitting next to the stream.

As we enter the cabin, I am in awe of the rustic beauty.  The high ceiling opens into a loft overhead.  Carved wooden animals decorate the beams.  I set down my bag with a contented sigh.  Digging into Landon's bag I pull out a few items.

"What are you doing?" Landon inquires.

I grin, "If you think I'm going to let that stream go to waste, you're crazy!"  I grab the baby shampoo, toothbrush, razor, and comb before heading out the door.  As I step out of the oak door, a vision of Dace catches my attention out of the corner of my eye.  I glance, slightly downstream, by a large berry bush, his figure pulling off the navy blue shirt he had been wearing.  His lean muscles tense with stress reflect the light.  I blush slightly and turn away as his hands begin to lower his pants.  With my arms full I make my way upstream which rounds the corner of the house.

I glance back toward Dace, making sure I have privacy before stripping off my turquoise tank and jean shorts.  I debate on removing my pink bra and panties but decide against it.  Wading into the water, I submerse myself into the refreshing liquid, allowing it to flow around my skin, taking with it the stress from my body, I sink lower, getting lost in the bliss.


The sharp sudden sound breaks me out of my thoughts.  My eyes open as I whirl around toward the sound on the bank, my arms instinctively wrapped around my chest.  

Dace stands, now fully clothed, his eyes staring off in the distance, but the redness of his face informs me that he had seen more than what I would have liked.  "It's getting kind of late, mom wanted me to check on you beings you had been gone for a bit."

I glanced up into the sky which proved to be getting slightly darker.  "Ok, thank you" I mumble.  "I guess I should get inside."

I wait a moment, still eyeing him, as he stands there dumbfoundedly.  

"If you don't mind, I'd like to get dressed.  You know.. in private."

Dace turns brighter red before nodding and leaving.  I step out, grabbing my old shirt, quickly drying off.  It wasn't a warm clean towel, but it had to do.  Quickly changing out of my wet underclothes, I redress in dry ones, slipping a large navy blue t-shirt, and black leggings, tying my wet hair up into my tank I make my way inside.

As I enter, the sounds of Landon, Jace, and Belle playing, all three had been bathed as well, and fresh clothes put on.  Belle had put on one of Jace's shirts, the red t-shirt hung past her knees, but she still ran around giggling.  Lucy sat in a wooden rocking chair smiling as she watched the three run about the large room.  Dace, sitting on the kitchen counter, wittling at a stick with his hunting knife, purposely avoiding my eyes.  

As nighttime falls, the room darkens, we huddle together in the loft, no longer segregated.  Belle lays her head down on Landon's chest.  

Dace glances briefly at me for the first time, "You go ahead and get some rest.  I'll take the first shift."

I nodded, lying down next to Landon, using my arm as a pillow, quickly drifting off to sleep.

*           *           *

Screams echo around me, the familiar screams of my parents.  The metallic screech of the unknown drowns out their cries.  Suddenly everything goes black, I'm in the center of a ring of fire.  I can't get out.  A wisp of fire lashes out, kissing my skin, leaving behind a charred abrasion on my arm.  I cry out in pain, grabbing my arm as another whip of flame slaps me across the face.  Tears sting my eyes as I look up, two familiar faces appear in the flames, scowling at me with extreme hatred.  

"Why didn't you help us?"  mother hissed with the flicker of flames.

"You could have done something, but instead you ran.  Ran like a coward." Father's eyes blaze up, as he unleashes another string of flame.

The two erupt, swallowing me, my body ignites as I scream in agony.  My cries of regret and apologies lost with the smoke.

*           *            *

I am awakened by the gentle shakes of firm arms grasped around my shoulders.  "Paxleigh, wake up," the voice echoes in my head.

I gasp for air, the fire still lapping at my every being.  I can't breathe.  "I'm so sorry" my voice in a whisper, still crying out.  

"Paxleigh, it's okay, you're safe.  Wake up."

My eyes fly open, looking at Dace, his strong arms grasped firmly around my shoulders.  My eyes water, a waterfall of emotions begin to flow through me as I lose control, tears stream down my face.  

Dace pulls me closer to him, my face buried into his chest.  "Shhh," he wraps his arms around my shoulders in a firm hug.  "It's okay, you're safe." I hear his words rumble from deep inside his chest.  "You're safe" he repeats. 

And at that moment, I truly do feel safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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