another love triagle?

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Adam's POV

                I stood there until Sun noticed me. He turned around. "Adam?" They both said. "Hey, blondies. I came to check on my ex." Yang's eyes turned red, but then she started to cry a little bit. "What?" I asked her why she was concerned about Blake. "I love Blake." She blushed. I was mad. Sun looked mad too. "Blake is my girlfriend!" Sun yelled. I kicked his leg. Yang hated me, so she punched my face.

                "You asshole! That actually hurt!" I yelled at her. She gripped her first and almost punched me again until Blake walked in. "I'M SO SORRY!" Yang started crying. Her eyes turned back to lavender. She fell to her knees sobbing. I got up. "Adam?" Blake looked confused. I walked to her. Sun got up and parted us. Blake hugged Sun.

                 I brushed her hair with my fingers. She grabbed my wrist and let go, then hugged Sun with her other arm. "Blake." I wanted to say sorry. "What, Adam?" Blake asked me. "I'm sorry." I tried to sound nice. She sobbed. "why did you hurt Adam, Yang?" I thought she cared. "I... Don't you hate him?" Yang finally asked.

                She sniffed. Then hugged Sun tighter. He rubbed her cat ears to her head. My fists tightened in anger. Yang ran to Blake and hugged her. "Yang?" Blake asked. Yang snagged after she had been crying. "What is the matter?" Blake asked Yang. She blushed. I glared at Yang. "STOP! THIS ISN'T FAIR!" I yelled at them. Blake stopped hugging Sun as well as Yang stopped hugging Blake.

                 Blake walked up to me. She put her hands on my shoulders. "You wish I cared." Blake whispered in my ear. It gave me 3 seconds to figure out she said that. My eyes widened under my mask. She put her hands on my chest. Then pushed me back. I fell, than she pinned me down with her foot. I grabbed her ankle expecting her to get it off. She pushed down harder. I grunted.

another black Sun one because I canWhere stories live. Discover now