Dawn of a new day - Chapter 1

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"Rise and shine, Silo!!", a mature, female voice would call out. After opening his eyes from a good night's rest a sense of content would fill his entire body as he stood up and stretched, his eyes would water from the nice, tingly feeling. "I'm up-!", the boy would yelp immediately after his morning task. Silo then ran over to his wardrobe to pick out a nice set of clothing for the day. "What to wear...", he would contemplate amongst himself as he practically mined through his wardrobe for suitable clothing.
An hour passes by, he finally finds something to wear. And by he we all know his Mother had to come and help him. Adorned in a long sleeved, beige, patternless top with bagged, wrinkled leggings including a belt to hold them up and a thick, wooly scarf made of goat fur and weaved stitches to hold it all together. Upon his toes he would have your typical sandles on and was bare handed. His Mother smiled at the choice of clothing she had dressed her son Silo in. "How does it feel, sweetheart?", the Mother would say, rubbing the boy's ungroomed, blonde hair. "It's nice... and comfortable...", Silo would respond with an embarrassed tone, his words unstable and wavy and he began to blush in silent humiliation.
"How's about...", the Mother would pause and reach into the pocket on the side of her white apron, pulling out a blue Rupee. "Since you got up like a big boy and got dressed out of your sleep wear, i'll give you 5 Rupees to spend at the market down the pathway, yeah?", She would smile ear to ear out of the modest pride she had for her son. Silo's bright brown eyes would light up as he saw the glistening, blue form of currency. "F-Five... Rupees..?", Silo would stutter as a smile slowly came to life, revealing two tiny little dimples on the sides of his face. Running up to his Mother, he would hug her as tight as his fragile body could manage to squeeze...
"Is Father going to be in the market today?", Silo would ask, tilting his head slightly to the left. A single eyebrow would be raised as he scanned his mother's face for any change of expression- but there was none...

The parents would commonly fight, leaving Silo in a state of incurable depression. Though he seems so innocent, his life is chaotic. He loves his parents equally, but hearing them fight tore his heart to pieces...
Silo's Father, Ranch, works at the Marketplace in a good sized, advanced village infamously referred to as Clock Town. Clock Town has a festival every year to celebrate the coming of the Four Giants, a group of peaceful Deities that had lived with the humans in Termina for millenia until they had parted ways- some say that it's all myth and fairytale while others say else. Though, that's not what this is about. Meet Silo, a boy who is now running down the dusty road toward Clock Town with 5 whole Rupees in hand. A shiny glimmer in his squinted eyes and a toothy grin would coexist upon the boy's face as he continued to sprint down the dirt path. "Hehe, five whole Rupees!", he would shout happily and laugh along his way. His hair would shag up in the cool breeze as he continued to run, what stamina he had as he was almost to the main gate of the town.
The sound of dirt being kicked up from the boy's sandals would be easily audible from the gate, causing a guard to hear it loud and clear. The guard would turn their head in the direction of Silo, whom was now running toward the soldier at startling speeds.
"Gah-!", the guardsman would yelp as it leaped 8 clean feet into the air and landed directly onto their bum. "Oh, a-are you okay..?", Silo would ask with innocence, his voice rather quiet as he held his money in his tiny hands. The armored guard would pick themselves back onto their feet and pat the boy's head a few times. "Ah, it's nothing.", a female voice would quote beneath the thick armor with a muffled tone. She would notice the blue Rupee in Silo's hands due to a light cyan glare casted by the morning sun.
"I see you brought money, kid. Heading to the market?", she would ask. "Yes, my father is Ranch-! Mother said he's working today and I wanted to see how he's doing...", Silo would respond timidly, of course being unacquainted with the new guard. Her armor intimidated him which added to the anxiety, making him slightly more nervous. Her armor was completely black, super tall, and looked really heavy. She also had a really big sword, this scared him...
"Well, allow me to direct you to him.", she would state before kneeling down to Silo's height and pointing toward the concession area. Silo would let out a cutesy giggle and begin running toward his Father's sale...

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