Far from home - Chapter 3

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Silo would fall through the roof of the shack-like structure, landing in a crate full of apples. He would open his tightly shut eyes and look around the area carefully. "Father..?", he would speak with a worried tone, lifting himself out of the fruit filled container carefully. He would look downward toward the floor, a pile of wrinkled sheets and an unfluffed pillow would lay on the ground next to a chest full of Rupees. Ranch seemed to be camping out at his stand, probably resisting the urge to come home and visit with his family. Silo, being too young to understand, merely thought his Father was trying to keep his money safe from thieves overnight.

Sudden vibrations would surge beneath the boy's feet. Thump thump thump, they would shake the entire stand, decorated pots falling from shelves and crashing onto the ground as well as a few weapon stands falling over and a barrel full of alcohol tipping to it's side and rolling across the floor of the concession's interior. "Gah, wow!", Silo would yelp as he evaded falling hazards and obstacles the best he could muster. He would leap atop the rolling barrel as it continued to roll across the floor, crashing into a wall and knocking the young boy off with yet another loud crash as he landed on a large pot, shattering it to pieces. A familiar Goron's face would peek through the service window of the shack-like structure. "Hey, ki- wow!! You sure did make a mess, huh?!", Feve would tease, being fully aware of the destruction he had caused. "Sorry I didn't tail behind ya! I had to make an apology to the fat one... heh..!", the rocky chested Goron would smile oddly with an awkward chuckle. Silo would hold a concerned smile back, waving slightly. "Uhh, my dad is not here.", He would speak with a worrisome tone, his words shaking in their place. "I-I think he's out at the moment, I wouldn't be suprised if-"

A woman would lean over the service window, peering in at the broken wares and whatnot. "WOW, what happened HERE!??", she would shout, cutting Silo off completely. "Man, when Ranch gets back he's gonna be M-A-D mad! Furious!", the woman would shout again, smiling maniacally. "-Hey, we were just looking for him! Where did he run off to, anyway..?", the Goron would query, his actions seeming innocent and without harmful intent. He would hold his hands behind his back as he spoke, using the utmost polite tone he could muster. The lady would stare at Feve with a confused expression, her mind temporarily turning blank as white. "U-Uh... I believe he set out for the swamp in search for a small girl- the mayor's daughter I believe..? He was the only mapmaker and traveler local to the town who was actually capable of helping so... maybe that's where he went off to!", the woman would continue to ponder before finally shrugging and turning around. "But hey, that's just what I overheard! He could be off doing who knows what!", she would state, walking away and waving her hand in a circular motion.

"Well, then. Silo? Are you re-" Feve would try and ask the boy before noticing him searching around the shop for something. "Hey, uhh, kiddo. What're you doing..?", Feve would continue to try and get Silo's attention. Silo would finally turn around with a hand full of string. "Yes!! Let us set out, Feve!!", the young boy would shout as he vaulted over the service counter. Feve would grab the boy by his scarf with both hands as he sprinted forward with all of his might. A cloud of dust and sparks would kick up from behind him as Feve continued to grasp hold of Silo's tightly knitted neckwear. "Silo, wait!!", the mighty Goron would cry out, the sound of skidding sandals drowning out the sound of his voice. "Why not take a small sword with you or something?!", The sound of his voice would boom through the entire town, Silo would suddenly cease his running frenzy as the cloud of dirt slowly cleared out. He would stand in place and stare off into the street of Clock Town, entire crowds staring at the chaos that had just taken place. "But, Feve, swords are for killing.", Silo would speak in monotone, his tone unmoving and still. A shadow casted over his face as the sound of a chiming bell clang from the center of town. 12 o'clock. "Silo...", the powerful Goron stood in confusion, his first encounter with a pacifistic Human. "Silo, I-I just want you to be safe. What will string do, Silo..?", the Goron would try and reason with the boy, but he would only begin to walk toward the swamp. "S-Silo..!", he would yelp, waddling behind he boy carefully.

"Feve.", Silo would say quietly as he began to walk toward the South gate. The two dangling ends of his scarf would flutter in the passing breeze, the clock chiming a few more times as Silo continued to walk in the desired direction he was focused on. His determination to find his Father was intense, nothing could possibly stop him at this rate... right..?

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