Chapter 2

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When Ace and Eyeball finally got tired of Irby’s, we all decided to head out. As we walked out, Eyeball and I’s younger brothers happened to be passing by.

    “Hey girls. Where ya goin’?” Eyeball teased. Ace took a drag off his cigarette and stole my brother Gordie’s Yankee cap off his head.

    “Hey, my brother gave me that!” Gordie said reaching for his hat.

    “Now you’re giving it to me.” Ace replied taunting Gordie with it by keeping it out of his reach.

    “Come on man! That’s mine!” Gordie shouted trying to get his hat back, until Ace pushed him away.

    “You’re a real asshole. You know that?” Chris sneered at Ace.

    “Ooh. You’re brother’s not very polite Eyeball.” Ace taunts holding out the hat for him to take. Before Eyeball could take it, I snatched it from Ace’s hand. My boyfriend glanced at me before turning back to the boys, flicking his cigarette. Holding the hat in my hand, I ran my thumb over the logo smiling weakly to myself.

    “Now Christopher, I know you didn’t mean to insult my friend.” Eyeball said in a taunting tone. I snapped back from my thoughts and placed the hat on my head.

    “I know he didn’t mean to insult me. That’s why I’m going to him the chance of taking it back.” Ace spoke getting closer to Chris. Chris remains silent, not looking at Ace.

Before anybody could react Ace threw Chris onto his stomach and pinned him there, “take it back kid,” he demanded.

“Stop it man! You’re hurting him!” Gordie shouted.

Ace picked up his discarded cigarette and held it near Chris’s eye.

“Ace! Enough, they’re just kids. Leave them alone!” I called to the older blonde boy.

Ace glanced up at me then back at Chris.

“You bastard. Okay, I take it back! I take it back!” Chris said to avoid having the cigarette stuck into his eye.

Ace tosses the cigarette and pulled Chris back to his feet, “now, I feel a whole lot better about this. How ‘bout you” Ace says. He grins and pats Chris’s cheek. He turned back to us and started to walk towards the car.

“See ya later girls.” Eyeball waved and followed Ace.

“Spitfire lets go!” Ace shouted. I sighed and ran after my boyfriend.

When I reach the two boys I glared at Ace.

“What the fuck Ace!” I spoke.

“Now what's your goddamn problem?” He replied turning to me.

“Picking and 12 year olds? Really?”

“So what? Since when do you give a damn about who I torment?”

“I care when it's my fucking kid brother your tormenting!” I snapped.

“Oh get over it. I didn’t hurt the kid.”

“I swear to god Ace, you ever mess with him again I’ll-”

“You’ll what? Kick my ass?”

“No, but you will never see me again.”

“It’s a small town babe, I think I will.” He replied with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and flipped him off. Ace grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him, our chests touching.

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