Chapter 3

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**Hey guys! Just wanted to say sorry about the delay for this last chapter! I forgot to apologize in the last one but ya know how it is... Anyway lol, my old computer crashed and that's where I had my entire 2nd and 3rd chapter written, soooooo... yeah I had to re-write it. So if it is kind of bad... sorry! Oki, bye!

Oh, also I know I don't have the curriculum right for DADA but it fits the plot so yeah** 

Madeline walked to her first Defence against the Dark arts class of the year the next day, happy that she was with the Slytherins. She arrived at the door and entered, finding that most of the Gryffindors were there already. She sat with Lium at the back and waited for the lesson to start. 

The Professor finally stood and smiled at the class, looking excited. She noticed he still looked ragged and tired, and couldn't even bother to clean up well. His eyes swooped around the room, taking in every last student. 

"Good morning class and welcome to Defence against the dark arts, year five. As you know, my name is Professor Lupin." He paced around the room," Today we will be trying something that may be difficult but is very useful. I do not expect many of you to be able to produce this charm, but you may try. It is the Patronus charm, and will take the shape of an animal of some kind, silvery and light. It defends against Dementors, so it can be very useful. You must think of a happy memory, preferably a strong one. Dementors feed on fear and despair, so this can be very difficult." He raised and eyebrow and looked around once more, turning to the side and raising his wand. 

"Expecto Patronum!" He shouted. A large, beautiful light streamed out of his wand, taking the form of a wolf. It pranced around the room and then faded into nothing, and the class gasped in amazement. 

"Now you try." He said and the class began taking out their wands excitedly. But to their disappointment, it was harder than expected. Everyone tried and tried, and the most anyone was getting was silvery mist. Madeline focused all her energy on happiness, but she couldn't think of anything. Then, an idea popped into her mind. 

The cherry tree outside of her house in the garden, the beautiful smell and the soft grass where she could sit for hours. She closed her eyes and breathed slowly, thinking only of that smell. 

"Expecto Patronum," She said firmly. She opened her eyes to see she had done it! There was a small puppy sitting in the air poised, licking its paws. But it wasn't really a puppy... it was a wolf cub! She smiled, satisfied. Everyone began to notice and the Slytherins all clapped, and the Gryffindors grumbled and rolled their eyes. 

"Very well done. A wolf cub. What is your name?" Lupin asked, seeming very impressed. 

"Madeline Crabbe." She said confidently and raised an eyebrow as he seemed surprised. 

"Hmm... Well, five points to Gryffindor." He said smiling. She sighed. 

"Whatever." She muttered, but he seemed to have heard. He squinted, seemingly analyzing her. But he seemed to decide to just walk away because she was left talking to Lium again. 

After class, she had already been assigned an essay! An Essay!

She slumped on the Gryffindor couch in the common room, not wanting dinner. It had been a very long day. She pondered going to make Draco do her paper but then decided that he was too stupid. She pulled out her magically enchanted quill and began to talk in a monotone into the paper about patronuses and their history. 

A few minutes later, she heard a scuffling and then two people called into the common room,

"Madeline!" It was Daphne and Lium. They couldn't get in, but she would usually come to the Slytherin common room. 

She smiled and stood up, rolling her eyes at the first year that walked in the room. 

"Hey, what is it?" She said as she climbed out of the portrait hole. Daphne shrugged.

"Just bored. Wanted to see what you were up too." 

"We just told off Potter and his friends... you should see Weasley's face" Lium said, cracking up. He was so hot, she thought to herself as he put an arm around her. She chuckled, thinking of what they could've said or done to him. 

They all walked for awhile, until she decided she should get her beauty sleep. 

"I think I've got to take off, need some sleep. Want me to walk you to your dorm?" She asked hopefully, wanting to spend as much time with Lium as possible. They seemed to exchange a strange look, but Madeline wasn't sure what it was. She assumed she probably imagined it, because it was gone when she looked back up. 

"No, I think we'll... walk for a little longer." He said, pausing in the middle of his sentence. A little strange, but whatever.

"Oh, okay. Goodnight."  She said, kissing Lium on the lips quickly and then departing. 

Daphne and Lium had always been close, but there was nothing romantic there... right? 

Madeline thought to herself as she walked down the corridor. But nothing, not a strange teacher or a distant boyfriend would ruin her year. Not if she had anything to do with it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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