Chapter 2

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**Hey guys! Here's a short trailer I made for this story. Also on YouTube. Sorry for the Weird volume changes!**

The next day, Madeline woke up earlier than everyone else in the dorm. As usual. She pulled herself out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. She rolled her eyes at the snores coming from her fellow Gryffindors, hating how gross it sounded. She always woke up much earlier than the others so that she would have time to get ready.

She showered, did some light makeup and put on her outfit. She wore a black long sleeve shirt and a white mini-skirt, with her robes over them.

Satisfied after a little, she went down to the great hall. As she approached her table, Lium stood and looked her up and down, smirking. She smiled and kissed his cheek, sitting next to him. Daphne was there as well, and they talked while she ate her fruit.

"Alright... I have to go to Transfiguration." She sighed, knowing McGonagall didn't like her. She could do the spells fine but the teacher was biased towards Potter and Dumbledore.

She was intercepted by someone while she walked across the great hall, and she realized it was Malfoy.

"Oh! M-Madeline, how are you?" He stuttered. He had always had a crush on her, since they had known each other for so long and he always came over to see Vincent.

"I am doing well, and you Draco?" She asked, playing along with a fake smile.

"I'm alright," He drawled, "Did you hear? Wimpy Potter fainted on the train. Fainted! He's not remotely as 'fearless' as everyone thinks he is." The small blonde boy drawled.

Madeline inwardly rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I did." She said, giggling. Funny little third years. She said goodbye and walked away so that she could get to class on time. She and her friends had noticed a cold and fear, but they had not affected her very much.

She arrived in transfiguration right on time and sat in a row near the back.

"Good morning class. This year in transfiguration will be more difficult than ever. So if you're thinking of slacking off... don't." McGonagall said, raising an eyebrow strictly.

"We'll start with some warm-up practice today, with transfiguring your chocolate frogs into real ones." She passed out the chocolate frogs and Madeline was about to start when there was a bang from behind her. She turned and rolled her eyes, seeing that it was the Weasley twins. Of course. They were panting and laughing, clearly having been running.

"Sorry professor!"

"Won't happen again!"

They got scolded by McGonagall, and Madeline went back to trying to focus. She got it after her second try and was content with her work until the frog started bouncing around. She was disgusted and quickly turned it back after McGonagall saw it. She hated frogs, she didn't have a particular reason for it but she just did.

She sat waiting and playing with her hair until suddenly-

"Ahhhhh! What the HELL?!" She screamed. There was something slimy on her head. It started jumping around and she was freaking out. It was a frog. It could have been anything else, but no, it had to be a frog. She heard laughing from behind her and saw that the twins were grinning wickedly. Those gits.

"Get it off, get it off get it OFF!" She screeched at them, glaring intensely.

Calm yourself child, it's just a frog. No need to get unreasonably upset!"

The frog vanished and McGonagall stood behind her, frowning. She walked away again and Madeline turned slowly, giving the twins an evil look of disgust.

"Sorry, it just slipped out of my hand!" Said George, holding back laughter.

"How dare you! You little git." She said furiously and excused herself to go to the lavatory, her face red. They had just made a fool of her in front of the entire class, they could not get away with this.


Later that night, she sat with Daphne trying to work out how to get back at them.

"They really are the most annoying people I have ever met." Daphne said, shaking her head.

"Yeah, their heads are too big for their bodies." Responded Madeline, agreeing.

"Wait- that gives me an idea..."

When everyone else was sleeping late that night, Madeline snuck out of bed with her wand. She crept into the boy's dormitory, making sure everyone was asleep. Sure enough, they were all snoring like pigs.

Spotting their beds at the back of the room, she tip-toed over to them. They were the loudest of them all, snorting like pigs. She pulled out her wand and placed her wand close to George's head, muttering "Engorgio Skullus."

She then did the same to Fred and stood back, smirking at her results. She quickly rushed out in case they woke up.


The next day, she sat at breakfast waiting for the Weasleys to arrive. She fiddled with her blueberries in her hand, not feeling hungry. Finally, she heard laughter coming from the Gryffindor table and turned to see that people from all over the cafeteria were laughing as Fred and George walked across the hall. They had giant heads, at least two times their usual size. It was hilarious to look at. The thing that Madeline didn't like was that they also had grins on their huge faces. Stupid Weasleys. The good thing was, they did seem a little embarrassed... they were flustered and laughing just a little too much...

Madeline strolled over to their table casually with her followers trailing behind her.

"Nice look Weasley. Now your head's really as big as your ego." She remarked to George, smirking.

"Oh, you like it? Yay! I thought it really brings out my eyes." He said, not a trace of surprise or hurt on his face.

"I think your head might be bigger than your families vault at Gringotts!" Madeline retorted. That got to him, many of the Gryffindors faces turned from grins to frowns of anger. She could tell Ron Weasley was close to getting out of his chair. Pathetic.

"My head still isn't as big as yours though. Such a shame." Fred said and glared more deeply.

Madeline just smiled sweetly and walked away, adding an extra sway to her hips.

Not bad.

**Sorry this chapter was kind of bad and short! I'm getting some writer's block about what to do until I get to the main part which is more interesting, I'll get there soon! I know, writer's block at the beginning of the story... oof. But I'll get through it!! Updates may be slow because of how much school work I get, but I'll try for once or twice a week. When summer comes it will be a lot more. Okayyy..... bye!**

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