The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

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                                               Movie 👏 review 👏

So there is this movie you probably heard of it or seen it. If you never seen it basically its about the Holocaust to put it short. The movie was originally a book.

The fucking ending fucking shocked me.I didn't cry thank fucking hell. 

spoiler alerts bitch 

 when fucking Bruno went with Leon I think I don't fucking know how to spell his name in the camp and then they got into the cremation shit or something I was fucking shocked but happy that the father got a taste of his own murders he's been doing I just wished Bruno and Leon didn't die but it's based on true events so it makes some sense for at least one of them to die. The part of the old man getting beat up I think honestly I'm  just sadden that this actually happened to innocent people. But when I saw Leon(?) And the fucking blood on the side of his face I was fucking pissed I wanna beat the shit out of who "did it" in the movie. It was just sad to see his innocent ass get beat up just because he was a Jew


Alright spoils over

I recommend this movie. If you're a emotional person you'll probably cry idk man. It's a good movie and i'll rate it a 8/10. That's the end of Movie 👏 Review 👏. If I ever get the book I'll do a Book 👏 Review 👏

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