Filthy Frank Fans

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By fans I basically mean like Tv Filthy Frank 2? I forgot how the channel was spelled. The reason I'm doing this  basically because will I see heat they're trying to do with the lore and continuing since George will most likely not return to YouTube and continue the lore. Since, that happened I see what they're trying to do but live it to rest as much as you try it's not going to be the same as Frank was. YouTube has changed since the golden age when none of this corporate bullshit started popping up, demonization taking a huge effect, and everything being family friendly. I'm supried Joji's channel is still up and how his videos aren't mostly age restriced. 

Well that raps up today's rant. My bad for not updating as often I'm just stressed rn so yeah see you all next time *insert cringy outro*

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