Religious beliefs

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Hi, this is my first ever rant book and I thought I would start off with religion. In advance not pushing any religious beliefs on you.

Religions are very specific if what you should and shouldn't do in order to please your God or goddess. Some people don't believe in a higher power (atheists) and think it's not real.

This does not make anyone wrong or right to believe in a certain belief. Every belief is equal and not above any others. No one is right or wrong just because they believe in a different God or no God at all.

They also can't control your lives. Just because someone doesn't believe the same way, we can't let it split us apart. You either accept the difference or tolerate for the time being. It's not worth getting into a donnybrook or a heated argument.

This also doesn't make it okay to hate on people on social media for religious reasons either. It may not seem like it, but you are doing the same exact thing in real life, but just hidden under a mask. This can make it worse, because hate on certain things spreads faster than good on social media.

In summary, we can't let religious beliefs run our lives and not talk to one another because of it. We need to accept or tolerate each other and move on with life. This is absolutely nonsense in my opinion that we fight over something that could be the way you pray or that you don't pray at all, also going on social media and doing it doesn't make it any better, but actually worse.

This is only my opinion, please don't get offended. I take requests on topics. Private message me or comment to let me know your thoughts also or a topic I should look into. I will update at least two times a week.

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