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LGBTQ+ is something that is big on society. Very opinionated and not very accepted in some families. I should know my dad's family would flip if I really am bisexual.

I am very acceptive of things like loving someone as they are and not caring about sexuality. I may be biased, because I have friends who are pan, bi, and gay. Heck I may be part of it, but that still doesn't change my opinion even when I was sure thought I was straight.

People are more acceptive now, but depends on the culture also. Being gay could be against your culture and I know that would be a big struggle if your family is very religious like mine. Isn't not loving a person of the opposite gender a sin? I can't remember, all I know is that not staying true to yourself is like a sin to the heart.

Your not alone in this fight. No one is alone in any fight, because there is always someone in the same situation feeling the same. Everyone needs to unite and help this cause be normally accepted, so we have a better future for our future families.

Bye my kitties~~~~~~~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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