Peopel being "Fat"

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Okay so this is a touchy topic to some people, but I have a main question for you all. When do we call someone fat?

Most people make comments and stuff that are mean to people, because of weight. Well you don't know if it's cause of their body type or something in them is not doing what it's supposed to and actually puts more weight on.

My point is people become anorexic or stop eating to lose the weight that people say they have. It tends to make them think that they are never skinny and never will be. Or worse they eat something and then throw it up right after.

This is mostly because society has put in our minds that if we're not this body, then we are fat or outcasts. Since society has social media and most influential propel believe this way, people act that way and think it's okay.

In my opinion, it's not. I do not want to be that person that sent someone to have anorexia. And that's all it can take people, one person. You guys really don't realize some of the impact you have on people, until it shows up in a positive or negative way on others.

Remember there is also a difference in apathy and empathy. Apathy being lack of interest and empathy being putting yourself in their shoes. People need to try and be more empathetic, instead of being very judgemental about looks.

Like always it's MY opinion and you don't have to stand by it. I will always touch on topics you guys suggest if you tell me in private messages or comments. I hope you actually read this and maybe thought about things, or how you impact others.

Bye my kittens~~~~

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