Snow Cabin

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Warning: 18+ Content Ahead


The snow fell languidly outside the cabin. The winter landscape outside stretched for miles with no signs of civilization; just more snow and a setting sun.

The cabin was used in emergencies for pro-heroes if they were to get caught in a snow storm, or needed a place to rest before making the long trek to the town miles away. Many of course had snow mobiles or avalanche plows to get them to and from depending on the work that was being done. The heroes who dwelled inside now didn't have such luck. Their plow wasn't scheduled to pick them up until the morning.

Inside the cabin the only source of light was a old wood stove that was slowly cooking a pot of stew and casting sharp shadows everywhere it could reach. Heavy coats hung next to the door where they dripped melting snow onto the wet mat. Shoes were cast carelessly aside and the medical cabinet laid open and obviously rummaged through. A table sat in the middle and was covered with used bandages and cooling tea cups. The kitchen near the door was set up with the half full tea pot and prepared vegetables. The bathroom in the corners sat with the door open to help release the steam from much needed showers. In conclusion, the cabin was in use.

The stew cooking and fire burning were not the only sounds to fill the cabin, however. Heavy pants and small moans came from the corner as a fiery blonde hero hovered over a mewling greenette.

Izuku wrapped his arms around his lover's shoulders. The flickering light from behind highlighted his scars making them gleem, and in a way looked almost beautiful. But Izuku's attention was captivated elsewhere.

Sweat matted Katsuki's forehead as he rutted against the younger male beneath him. Deku had offered to be on top to help reduce the stress of the blonde's injuries, but Katsuki refused. He wanted, no, needed to see Deku like this. His emerald eyes gleeming with pleasure and affection as Katsuki thrusted into him. His moans and cries as he was filled over and over, his body being pushed to the limit by his over zealous and demanding partner. He needed to hear his name whispered with laces of emotion as he laid kisses across the young heroes chest, needed to feel the warm, freckled flesh of Deku's back, shoulders, neck, and face. Anywhere he could reach he placed his hands; he wanted it all.

"Deku...De..ku. Hhn."

Izuku listened to Katsuki moan and his stomach fluttered. He had resisted having sex at first since he knew Katsuki was exhausted. Not that he would admit it. But he gave in when he saw the need in his lover's eyes. Not the need for pleasure or satisfying a lustful hunger, but the need to connect and feel the life in his lover's body.

They had a close call fighting the villian out in the snow. Why Katsuki volunteered for a cold weather mission was beyond Izuku since it was his weakest environment, but the blonde persisted and the agency assigned them to this mission together. He hadn't meant to slip so suddenly. He didn't know there was a hidden stream under the snow. As he watched a murderous blow from the villian crash down on him he barely had time to react before an explosion knocked the villain away.

Izuku would never forget the look he saw on Katsuki's face right after.

Scarred hands found themselves running through champagne locks as Izuku lifted himself up to capture panting lips. He was ravenous for the sweet taste of Katsuki as he pushed his tongue inside and was immediately dominated. The feverish blonde broke away only to allow quick gasps of air before he was devouring Izuku again.

If Izuku had a weakness it was his empathy. He absorbed the emotions of those around him, and right now he was drowning in Katsuki's as the blonde wrapped his arms tightly around him pulled him close.

"Deku...Fuck. I-I can't..." he gasped as he slammed their bodies together harder. Izuku lifted his hips to meet him. His body thrummed with ecstasy as he took in all of Katsuki, the blonde bottoming out with every thrust. Even though his mind was hazy and his body strained to keep up Izuku didn't falter to meet his lover. He knew what he needed and why.

"Kacchan..ahn, Kacchan! I-I'm close." he gasped as a wave of pleasure shook his body. The coil in his stomach growing quickly.

"Me too, Deku." his voice rasped as he increased his speed to an inhuman pace.

Izuku didn't know where he got the energy from as he threw his head back and held onto Katsuki as tightly as he could. Tears fell down his face as he tried to not cry out from the overstimulation of his body being used and his emotions running wild. All he cared about right now was that he could feel Katsuki inside and out, and that the room buzzed with them displaying their love to each other in a way they both needed.

Finally, the coil snapped and all control went with it as Izuku cried out with a mixture of a scream and a sob as his mind blanked out and his chest swelled with emotions that refused to be caged.

Katsuki watched the greenette come undone beneath him and growled as it triggered his own orgasm. He shoved his face in Izuku's neck as his body was racked with spasms and he sheathed himself to the hilt inside Izuku, filling him with everything he had. Hands twisted in the sheets and Katsuki could feel blunted fingernails digging into his back as his lover tried to breathe and come down off his high at the same time.

It was all Katsuki could do to not collapse on top of Deku, but he couldn't hold himself up as he pulled out and lowered himself on top of the greenette. Their chests rose and fell quickly as they gasped for air and Katsuki laid his head on Izuku's chest, his thundering heartbeat calming his nerves as he closed his eyes. The sweat from the stove and their activities rolled down his back and face as they steadily regained normal breathing and the full weight of the days exertion finally caught up.

It was tempting to just fall asleep with the comfort of Katsuki's weight on him. Fatique swarmed Izuku and he was almost so far gone he just barely heard Katsuki's voice whisper from his chest.

"I love you, Deku."

Izuku's breathe hitched at Katsuki's words. The blonde wasn't one for sentimental words and very rarely expressed how he felt romantically to Izuku. A smile spread across his face as he squeezed the blonde wrapped in his arms.

"I love you too, Kacchan."

It wasn't long before he heard soft snores coming from the explosive hero which pulled a small bit of laughter from Izuku, "Why do you always push yourself like this, Kacchan? What am I going to do with you?"

Slowly, Izuku turned them both to their side so Katsuki could comfortably lay on the futon and pillow. Caressing his face with his hand Izuku stroked Katsuki's cheek gently, admiring every feature the blonde had. He couldn't even imagine being with anyone else with how strongly he loved him and how every day with him he wished was longer.

"Thank you for coming with me, Kacchan. I would have hated to be away from you too." Izuku whispered softly so he didn't wake his physically and emotionally exhausted boyfriend.

Turning slighting Izuku aimed his fingers at the stove and flicked a small amount of air pressure to extinguish the flames. They could reheat the stew in the morning. Right now Izuku just wanted to cover them both with the heated blanket and listen to the snow fall mixed with Katsuki's peaceful breaths.


Quality isn't where I would like it, but I have ADD and I was stuck in a room with too many distractions. This is the only thing I did productively today. Enjoy! :)

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