The Fair Date

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The air was heavy with the scent of popcorn, hot dogs, cotton candy, and sweat. During the day the sun had been blistering hot and the humidity laid thick in the travelling amusement park causing many to seek shade or overdose on cold drinks. 

The small fair that was currently travelling through the towns before going back to America had stopped near Izuku's new apartment. Seeing it as a good opportunity for a date with Katsuki the greenette had bought tickets as soon as they had gone on sale. What he didn't think of was the weather being so unbearably hot. This caused for a very disgruntled blonde who, Izuku took notice, was trying very hard to not blow up from his irritation with the heat. 

Luckily, the two heroes had worked a half day and were going to the park in the later afternoon. Once the sun set everything would be perfect if not just a little stuffy.

"Here you are, Kacchan." Izuku pulled Katsuki's attention away from his phone and towards the plain vanilla ice cream cone he had in his hand. 

"Thanks." the blonde grumbled as he took it and immediately started trying to stop it from leaking on his hands. Izuku placed some napkins on the table and placed his drink on top to stop them from flying away. They had found a cute table under some trees and were relaxing while waiting for the sun to sink a bit lower and Izuku decided it would be a great idea to get some treats to help pass the time.

Both the heroes wore hats not only because of the sun, but it also helped hide who they were a little bit. Surprisingly their hair gave them away the most. Katsuki had opted to wear a sleeveless shirt that, to Izuku's delight, showed off his toned arms and allowed for quick peeks at his chest if he bent the right way; It was also great for ventilation. Izuku had decided to wear his favorite black polo, and was now greatly regretting choosing such a heavy, absorbent cloth. He pulled at the collar for the upteeth time while blowing out a puff of air as discreetly as he could. 

"For fuck's sake, Deku. Buy a different shirt and change before you get heat stroke." Katsuki demanded as he licked some ice cream off his fingers. The humidity was making quick work of the poor treat. 

"I'm alright. It will be night soon and it's already cooling off a bit." Izuku said stubbornly. Katsuki had warned him to change and he didn't listen. Now he had to pretend to still be okay with his choice if it killed him. 

"Whatever," the blonde replied. "If you smell later though you're walking home. You're not stinking up my car." Izuku took a drink of his lemonade. 

"I won't stink." he muttered quietly. He was starting to worry if coming to the fair was a bad idea. It seemed like the perfect summer date, but even though they had done a few games, pet a few animals (who Izuku was happy they were in air conditioned barns) , and saw some live performances Izuku wondered if Katsuki was really enjoying himself. Maybe he was just being anxious because the date was his idea he thought. 

"Hey Kacchan? Do you want to try the fun house next? It is air conditioned inside and I read some nice reviews on it." he asked cautiously.

"Fine." Katsuki mumbled while he used a napkin to chase a run away stream of vanilla cream that was aiming for his elbow. 

"And, um, maybe later we can ride the Ferris wheel when its completely dark so we can see the lights?" he offered. 

"Sure." Katsuki replied. By now the ice cream was almost to the cone and a small bit was collecting at the corner of the blonde's mouth who was still battling the melting treat. 

Finding it irresistible Izuku reached over and grabbed Katsuki's chin to turn his mouth towards him. His goal was to tease the blonde a little by licking the small trace of cream from his face, but he didn't bank on Katsuki having his tongue out already so when he went in his own tongue traced the edge of Katsuki's slowly before getting to the corner of his lips where he planted a small kiss. He could taste the hint of vanilla and felt the coldness from the treat but it couldn't compare to the sweet taste of Katsuki himself that had Izuku so irreversibly addicted.

Pulling back Izuku admired the blonde's look of disbelief and the clear pink blush that sat high on his face. 

"Sorry, Kacchan. You looked delicious so I couldn't help myself." Suddenly a large hand grabbed Izuku's face to push him back a bit, 

"What the hell, Nerd!" Katsuki whispered loudly, "We're in public! Keep it in your pants, damn it!" Holding up his hands in defeat Izuku replied with a muffled voice, 

"Omphkey. Um Sophry." Katsuki released him before taking a big bite of his cone and facing the other way in a show to ignore his partner, but Izuku could still see the blush on his neck and ears. 

Chuckling to himself Izuku went back to his own drink and stared out at the park to watch the sun lower itself to where it finally touched the horizon. Even though they had suffered from heat most the day and he had moments of doubt he still found it romantic to be sitting with his boyfriend enjoying a classic summer sunset. 

Reaching over slowly Izuku entwined his pinky in Katsuki's who immediately glared at him. Izuku nodded towards the sunset and this seemed to calm the fiery male down a bit once he understood what his partner wanted. 

Shoving the rest of the cone in his mouth Katsuki flipped Izuku's hand over and entwined their fingers together. He knew the nerd was trying to please him, and was worried about if Katsuki was having a good time or not. He would be a pretty shitty boyfriend if he didn't take the time to reassure his other half, even when he did pull stupid tricks on him and was too stubborn to change his damn shirt. 

Looking over Katsuki silently studied the greenette who was absently smiling and staring off into the distance to watch the sun finally disappear behind the mountains. It was true that the heat had bothered Katsuki, and he wasn't too interested in rides and smelly farm animals, or listening to underground bands that the fair somehow found. But that didn't mean he didn't think this was a good date.

His interest had been on Izuku the whole time. He received his satisfaction by watching the greenette have fun playing the games and winning small prizes; not that he needed more All Might shit. He listened while Deku talked his ear off in the barn about his favorite animals and how some reminded him of pro heroes they'd worked with and all their many feats. He ignored the bands mostly and would sneak glances at Izuku who he caught a few times glancing at his phone. It made him happy to know the bands bored him a bit as well. 

They both enjoyed the date differently and Katsuki was fine with this, and he knew exactly how to let Izuku know he'd had a good time. 

Leaning over he let his lips linger close to the greenette's ear. Not close enough that his breath would tickle, but just enough that he knew his words would be taken intimately. 

"Let me stay at your place tonight, Deku." he whispered. 

Now it was his turn to enjoy the blush on his partner's face as the greenette sputtered, 

"Y-yeah...s-sure, Kacchan."Katsuki gave Izuku's hand a squeeze before turning back to watch the last sliver of light disappear signalling the end of the day and the heat wave.

Now the fun could really begin.


Short and sweet. I might edit it later cuz again with bad ADD quality, but I was thinking of making a part 2 as well. I really like fairs. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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