Chapter 1

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Isabella's POV
I was riding my penny board with my best friend Matthew Espinosa. We arrived at school he got off his while I just rode mine into school and Matt screamed,"BOSS!" I laughed then fell.Matt ran up to me and asked,"Are you okay? that looked like it hurt."I was laughing I managed to say,"Y-yes I'm fine.that was fun!" I didn't realize I ran into someone until they said,"Watch where your going dork!" I looked up to see Taylor Caniff and his slutty girlfriend Madison Beer. I started to tear up but said,"Shut the fuck up!Taylor do you know you words actually hurt me!?I sometimes think about your words 'you should go kill yourself'.But then I realize maybe your just you just pick on others that are also broken.Why?"he looked shocked but said,"Who the hell are you talking to?!Im not fucking broken both of my parents are ALIVE!" I by then was pissed.then a lot of people said 'OOHHHH'.I seen an open space where a wall was and went over there and punched the wall to leave a hole.everyone gasped."No one understands!" I said,"Duh!You fucking piece of shit I know your parents are Alive.Mine are not! But Taylor do you realize that you have everything I wish for?A Family,Friends,Siblings,Nice things,A car! I didn't think so. Also my parents may be dead but at least I'm grateful for what I have. I only have 4 siblings but only know 1. But Guess what!? She moved because of you!Taylor your the reason I have nobody but Matthew!I HATE YOU!AND YOUR FUCKING FRIENDS! GO TO HELL AND WHEN YOU COME BACK TELL ME WHAT IT WAS LIKE. CAUSE THAT IS WHAT I GO THROUGH EVERY FUCKING DAY! YOU JUST WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND!YOU HAVE EVERYTHING!AND THEN YOU TREAT SOMEONE WHO HAS NOTHING LIKE SHIT! WHAT IF YOU WERE IN MY SHOES?! WHAT THEN? BITCH!THATS WHY YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS SUCKING OFF SOME OTHER DUDES FACE!HA, I GUESS TO WHORES GO TOGETHER HUH?" Everyone was shocked by my outburst. Then Matthew came up and hugged me. then Taylor said,"YOU DONT THINK I ACTUALLY CARE!DID YOU? CAUSE THATS FUNNY I DONT!YOU THINK IM GOING TO FEEL SORRY FOR YOU? WELL IM NOT SO JUST GO KILL YOURSELF!ISABELLA!"I just sat there then said,"Fuck you Taylor Caniff!You know what how about I go and use your advice right now?Bye I have to go 'kill myself'!" I grabbed my penny board then gave Matthew one last hug and told him,"I will be with you everyday no matter what.Matthew I love you." I went to walk off but Matthew stopped and turned to Taylor and said,"Taylor Michael Caniff!Why? Why are you ruining a young girls life? Your a sorry excuse for a human! Just an asshole!Who seems to can't get his fucking foot out his ass to realize that your fucking words are actually making people think,'Am I really worthless,Fat,not wanted,Ugly' You almost let my best friend go kill herself.You would of had to live knowing you killed an innocent young teenager, you don't even know her age?" Taylor replied,"18?" Matthew laughed but said,"No! she is 16 in the 12 grade!She is way better then you would ever be!Your just a dumbass who is spoiled like a fucking 4 year old girl!" I busted out laughing. Taylor looked at me and started walking towards me yelling,"Go kill yourself!"over and over again so I got out of Matthew's grip and threw my penny board on the tiles and skated out of school and to my house and found my best friends. The Razor and Pills and a Rope.I ran out to my backyard where there were woods behind the huge gates. I ran through the woods to find my spot where only Matt knows where it is. I sat there and cried until I got up and screamed,"MOM!DAD! I NEED YOU!MY LIFE SUCKS!PLEASE!" I fell to my knees and cried until I felt someone tap my shoulder I turned around to see....

A/N: How was it? I actually been having dreams like this. But Um anyways I would like for your feedback.

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