part: 4

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"You should get off the car here."Jennie unnie said. "Yeah, for not catching with the paparazzi, right?" I replied."You guessed right." Jennie unnie said. I said 'see you in the party' to my 4 unnies and got off the car there. And went to the party hall.
In the party hall,
At the door I saw five unknown handsome boys to talk with each other. Maybe they are going to debuted like us. Whatever, I need to find my members.
I saw my members to talk with JYP. He was giving my members a dead eyes. So I went there slowly cause I think I was a little bit of late. I think he was also going to scold me but after seeing my outfit he said, " Thank god, Ryujin was with her sister otherwise you guys know how to trash everything." I was confused but later I knew that the dress code for the center members were gorgeous black, which I was wearing but other members color was light black what they were wearing. They didn't knew about it and also Yeji unnie's phone died that time so she couldn't told me. Since everything got well JYP left us alive.
"I thought we were dead meatballs today" Yeji unnie told me and every one also thanked me for the dress matter. I said it was nothing but the true is it's because of Jennie unnie.

Yah right, where is Jennie unnie? I didn't saw her for few minutes. I asked Rose,Jisoo and Lisa unnie but they didn't knew about her also. So I went to search her.

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