Start from the Start

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I mentally sighed, praying that the interviewer would leave soon and take his nasally high pitched voice along with him. Really, you would expect Vogue to have more likeable hosts for their 73 Questions series.

"Sooo...!" the guy, David I think, exclaimed, following me into the kitchen and plopping himself on the island.
"We are down to the last 4 questions with the young heartthrob Julian Avery, or should i say Jules?" he continued, wiggling his eyebrows in a manner that i can only describe as flirtatious.

"What is the best peice of advice your father gave to you?" he asked, making himself at home and pouring himself a glass of the most fine alcohol I own.

I take in a deep breath, sweet talking to myself in my head trying to not punch his stupid mouth. Dont get me wrong, i am a likable person and generally dont dislike people for no rhyme or reason, but this chap here was one of those kind of people who would probably remind the teacher that she had to collect homework in high school.

"The best peice of advice my father gave me was when I was having a tough time mentally, and was in a tight spot in my career. He said to me that creativity can happen whenever, wherever. He was also the person who kind of pulled me out of my dark place. Cheers dad"
I said, feeling a grin form on my face. My dad was my biggest support system and all that I am is probably because he believed in me when I stopped thinking straight.

"Okayy.. now i know a lot of people from your fanbase of more than 5 billion people have wanted to ask you this question, a lot of your lyrics and songs are inspired from the words of a certain Eliza Taylor. From what I have heard, she isnt exactly a renowned poet."
SHIT! He DID NOT just go there.

I froze momentarily, but quickly regained my composure, remembering that i was still on camera.

"We have had history" i stated, neutralising my expressions.

"Had, as in past tense? And now?" he inquired, quirking up his eyebrows, just randomly reminding me of my middle school headmistress, Ms. Phyllis, who had to be at least a hundred years old.

I carefully framed my answer, "Now she's a close friend." I smiled, despite everything. Its true, Eliza is a wondeful person.

"Now, the last question. Most of your lyrics speak of unrequited love, or unfinished love. Does that mean....."

I cut in before he could continue, "No no no. My love isn't unfulfilled."

With an inquisitive look on his face he carried on, "And still...unrequited?"

I caught on without missing a beat, "Tomayto, tomahto, potato, potato...".

Now looking genuinly interested, David asked, "Does this love have a name?"

A smile formed on my lips, that turned into a chuckle. The name was right on my tongue but it seemed as though my tongue wasnt in my control anymore. Instead i just looked up, feeling my eyes moisten a bit.
I mumbled with a mere puff of breath, "Mer."

Authors Note
Hey guys! Ok so we know this is a very complicated first chapter, but everything will fall into place and make sense as we progress with the story. Also, i am really sorry because the chapter updates will not be very frequent, my study schedule is insane but we are trying to work out a writing schedule.
Anyways, Happy Mondaying

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