12 | Dancin' w/ The Rain

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Rainfall has got to be the most beautiful thing labeled next to the lighted star that floats above us. The way it falls from the sky and land my skin; I can't explain it, I really can't, but I love it. It's just unique. "I use to love the rain too. I remember staying outside, playing with the Mexicans knowing I wasn't suppose to, and got my hair soaking wet. My mom beat my ass." I cackle one of those ugly laugh; obnoxious and annoyingly creaky as, she ignobly chuckles, nodding her head.

I look at her, "You say you use to. What happened?"

She nudges her shoulders, her cinnamon eyes following the raindrop every move. "I use to play in the rain. For fun, I was free and innocent. Now it gets so that every time it rains, it'd be on my worst days." I didn't mutter a breath because I didn't know what to say, and I didn't want to say: yeah, I understand, because...I don't. "Say, it has been a long day, right?" I found my eyes squaring a little before nodding. "Would you like to have a drink with me?"

The corner of my lips lift up as I push back my smile. I look at her then back out the window. "What'll happen if I deny to go?" Despite my better judgement, I fell in to the force of natural by being mischievous, and smile anyway. And she reciprocate with the same mood.

Her eyes darken as it lands on mines; I witnessed her pupils distend as her doe, sable eyes shed over into an darker shade of brown. "Punishment." My lips part on their own of the reminder, then right off the bat, as if she knew her affect on me, she smiles. "Jeremiah, take us downtown. I have something I want to show her."

I assume the driver nods as he replies back, "You got it, Ms. Hamilton." As usual, when we are in the car, alone, in the back; I can't help but look at her face. There are times where it feels like magic is in the air when I look at her. And there are times when I just simply want to rip my clothes off around her. She tends make me feel hot and cold at the same time. Amazing, isn't it?

In the midst of thinking about her, as usual, she just flat out laugh. Like, softly hitting your thigh type of laugh.

I smile like an clueless imbecile while considering that her smile has got to be the most beautiful and adorable thing I have ever seen. I finally say something, "What's so funny, Ms. Hamilton?"

She softly shook her head, amusingly, "Are you aware at how much you stare? Its a lot in case you wanted to know."

I open my mouth to speak, completely unaware that I stare too much, or probably too hard, but not a single word slips out. "Don't worry. I stare, too, sometimes." Something inside of me jump for pure joy. "The only difference, is that I am cool with it. You suck."

My jaw slacked open and she giggles–first of off, where is all this winsome energy coming from? Why she is so cute right now? Who gave her the rights?...

"Where is this club you taking me to?" I asked, looking back out the window to see the rain fairly let up. I then saw these two guys walking out of a sex shop, causing my eyebrows to lift after it perk up with curiosity. They are in love, it's so picture-perfect and heart-warming. He let his partner finger's scour freely through his hair, as he smile, knowing he can do it without permission.

Because he is his.

My theory was accurate when the brunette leaned up, kissing him like that was his last. The brown-skin male led him down the sidewalk after grasping his hand. If only my love life could be like that – "We're here, Ms. Hamilton. I hope you two enjoy your visit." Jeremiah hopped out the car surrendering to his duty.

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