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A/N: This is part 2 of 3 and to the anon who requested this I'm sorry that there is no Toni to be found, there is however still jealousy and some dance floor fun...

Rachel is my creation obviously, but apart from her everyone else in this fanfiction is a real human, not your cup of tea? Completely understandable, just find something else to read, thank you :) Once again there has been no BETA, but I hope it's good enough regardless!

Content warning for le smut.



Despite being close to an hour early (a side-effect of Taylor's almost compulsory need for punctuality) Karlie notes the party is already very crowded and seemingly in full swing. Somehow though, the birthday girl notices the new arrivals immediately, making her way through the throngs of people alarmingly quickly for someone wearing six inch heels.

Lily Aldridge is soon with them and has pulled Taylor into an almost violent hug, forcing the singer to abandon her grip Karlie's waist in order to hug back.

Karlie finds herself ridiculously unsteady at the loss of physical contact. Taylor's touch having been the solidification of the unspoken agreement hanging in the air between the two of them:

Tonight Domina is in charge.

Karlie is slightly surprised at finding herself already so deep into submission that she has to take a moment to avoid audibly whining. Instead she lets herself be pulled into the hug by Lily.

"Hello, ladies!" Their mutual friend finally speaks as she pulls back, beaming at them both.

"It's great to see you, I'm so glad you both could make it!"

"Of course!" Taylor says a genuinely warm smile on those red lips as she casually wraps her arm around Karlie again; squeezing her hip as a sneaky reminder, use your words, Angel.

Finding herself grounded upon this simple reassurance Karlie finally finds her voice.

"It's so great to see you, Lils, happy birthday!" The words earn her another hug and this time she manages to steady herself without Taylor's guidance. In fact she holds her own through several minutes of small-talk before the hostess excuses herself to go take another lap around the room and make sure that absolutely everybody is having the time of their lives.

"Will you go get me a drink, please, baby?" Taylor requests into Karlie's hair, her tone sweet, but firm. She presses a light, discreet kiss to the side of Karlie's head before removing her touch once again.

"You can find me on the dance floor." Taylor adds, already on her way towards the mass of bodies moving almost as one to the rhythm of some 90's pop classic Karlie can't quite place right now.

Normally an extroverted person who is in her element at parties Karlie suddenly feels overwhelmed by the scene unfolding around her, she feels lost without Taylor, her brain too foggy with awakened but suppressed lust to process the dark, loud room and intensely wishing Taylor's arm was still around her waist to help ground her, help her focus. All around her are couples or groups of friends, dancing, laughing, touching. Some of them tightly intertwined in each other's arms in a way that suggests they will most likely go home together at the end of the night.

Karlie shifts her weight from one foot to the other; still uncomfortably aware of her ruined underwear, of the way her girlfriend leaving her in the middle of all this chaos is causing her body to protest. As much as Karlie loves seeing her friends (after all she's not often afforded that opportunity due to the nature of her career) and as delighted as she is that Lily Aldridge was born and she'd like to celebrate it she catches herself wanting to drag Taylor out of there and talk her into making good on her previous teasing.

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