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Sorry I didn't update for a while guys! Here's two chapters to make up for it :)

"What did you want to show me?" Lauren inquires as she trails behind Camila into a dark office. It's charcoal walls and deep mahogany wood furniture radiate a sense of strength and power, especially when Camila perches behind the colossal desk. She waits until Lauren finishes admiring the room before she speaks up.

"$250,000 dollars and shares in my parents' company." Camila states simply, gesturing to the armchair across from her desk for Lauren to take a seat.

Lauren frowns, so Camila goes on to explain, "That's how much it cost us to have you here. I'd hate for all of that to be a waste. Because of that, I've created my own contract which you are required to sign. You see, I found loopholes in my father's; This will eliminate them."

A paper is slid across the desk towards Lauren, who frowns further as she picks it up and begins to read.

"For the sake of future reference, I'd also like for you to fill out this form." Camila adds handing another sheet of paper over.

Lauren finishes reading the contract before transferring her gaze onto the brown eyes burning into her from across the desk.

"You're asking me to give all control of my life to you. My freedom, choices, everything, for as long as you choose." Lauren points out in disbelief.

"With consent, yes." Camila nods, handing her a pen.


"If you don't want to commit to this, you don't have to. But I will send you back home and my company will back out of the deal with your parents." Camila counteracts against her protests, and Lauren realises she's been dealt an ultimatum. She also realises that she will literally do anything for her family, which is likely why they're used against her so often. With a heavy sigh, she signs the contract and moves on to the form.

Oh, but if only she'd read that first.

The form starts off with basic things like food allergies or known illnesses, but quickly snowballs into something blatantly sexual. Is this what she's agreed to? Before she has the chance to change her mind, Camila swipes her contract away and stores it in her drawer with a seductive smirk.

"Having trouble?" She asks Lauren, who's eyes were suddenly stuck on Camila's lips.

"Uh- no." She lies, looking back down at the form sitting so uninhibitedly on the desk before her.

Anal: (Yes) (No) (Maybe)

Okay, she'll just leave that one blank.

After a few more questions she'd really rather nobody knew the answer to, she reluctantly signs her name at the bottom and slides the paper across the matte wooden surface to Camila. She chuckles as she reads the mostly filled-out form before sliding it into the drawer next to the contract.

"Good enough." She nods, interlocking her fingers and resting her elbows on the table in front of her, creating a perch for her chin.

"I'm sorry, I don't... I don't understand why some of those questions were on there." Lauren says, keeping her tone strong even while she blushes under Camila's intense gaze. It's almost like she can feel her thoughts, and she knows they definitely aren't appropriate.

"That's okay. You'll soon come to learn the nature of your stay here." Camila says in way of explanation before suddenly standing up and moving over to the door, "Do you want to come watch a movie?" She asks, and Lauren shrugs. She might as well do something to pass the time, and so long as it isn't Fifty Shades of Grey, she's sure she'll be fine.

She follows Camila back down the stairs, this time onto the second floor and into a room with dim lighting; black ceiling, walls, and floor; and red beanbags and seats scattered about. At the same end of the rectangular room as the door, there's a small booth with a little window in it, the same as in public cinemas. At the other end, there's a huge screen to project on.

"What do you want to watch?" Camila asks for politeness' sake, but there's a hint in her voice that tells Lauren she's got a preference.

"You pick." Lauren offers, and earns a cheesy grin in reply.

Camila ducks into the booth and, after a few minutes, the projector spurs to life. She returns with a small bucket of popcorn for herself and Lauren, and various trailers begin to play on the screen. She takes a seat on a large beanbag in the middle of the room and Lauren goes to find another, settling on a comfy-looking one beside Camila's, but she's pulled down by the waist to land right next to the younger brunette, practically on top of her. When she turns to face her with a questioning look, Camila just winks and wraps her arm around her waist, gently locking her in place. Lauren sighs and shuffles around until she's comfy. The large bean-bag doesn't feel so big with both girls laying on it, leading to her front being squashed against the other girl's. Still, once the movie begins, she forgets about the fact that Camila is the daughter of her parents' rivals and finds herself enjoying the contact between the two.

"I love this movie," Camila comments quietly as the Disney logo appears on the screen.

Lauren chuckles and shifts a little, only for Camila to wrap her arm around her again, this time pulling her closer to her, and Lauren can't find it in her to protest when Camila's hand snakes up to rest between her shoulder blades and doesn't leave.

When Lauren falls asleep around be halfway point of the movie, Camila takes her chance to admire her new girl. She truly is beautiful, no matter what anybody says about her attitude that often makes its appearance in public, or that her lack of attendance to important events that come with being a big business owner's child. Camila saw a little of that witty inclination at brunch, and she couldn't help but enjoy it. She doesn't think she'll be easy, but she won't be like the others, either.

The others were boring, standard, and much too willing to please. She supposes that's what happens when you offer an average woman $10,000 to act a certain role, as her parents have been doing for the past three years. As her hand comes sliding from Lauren's back to glide along the curves of her side, she allows a small smile to grace her lips, and turns back to the movie she's seen a thousand times before.

Lauren awakes to the sound of a phone ringing, and the feeling of somebody tensing against her. She realises the movie has long finished and, when the body against hers relaxes and its quiet snoring picks up again, she realises that Camila must've fallen asleep too. She'd be enjoying the warmth offered by Camila if it weren't for that insistent ringing.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the house, Alejandro rolls his eyes at his wife, "They're probably busy." He tells her, but she chews her lip as she waits for her daughter to pick up. After a moment more, somebody does.

"Um... hello?" The greeting comes through, and Sinuhe is baffled for a moment before she recognises the voice.

"Lauren? Is that you?" Sinuhe asks into the phone, receiving a shocked look from her husband, "Is Camila there?"

"Yeah, um... she's asleep," Lauren answers, looking over her shoulder at the girl who is now sprawled across the red beanbag, her face pressed into the fabric.

"Well, I won't disturb you for long then." Sinuhe says quietly, "But, how are you two getting along?"

"Um... alright, I guess. We just watched a movie and then fell asleep." Lauren responds in a hushed tone, hoping Camila doesn't wake up to see her on her phone. She probably wouldn't be all too happy about Lauren answering her phone calls.

"Oh? That's... good." Sinuhe grins, grateful that this time it might actually work out, "Well, I will see you tomorrow. Goodbye, Lauren."

"See you tomorrow, Mrs Cabello," Lauren replies before being hung up on.

She grins as she watches Camila roll over onto her back, and checks the time before setting Camila's phone back down. 2:34 pm. She considers her options of what to do, listening to Camila's soft breaths beside her and wondering if she should just lay back down, pretend she hadn't woken up at all, and shamefully enjoy their proximity. Fraternising with the enemy is something she'd rather not have hanging over her head, however, so she slips away from the woman and soundlessly pads out the door to familiarise herself not with Camila's breathing patterns but with her home.

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